Chapter Three

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As the train ride got to an end, Isabelle, Albus and Scorpius left their compartment and headed to the carriages. The three were silent, as Albus still seemed to be moody after Rose's visit. They found an empty carriage and got inside.

The ride to Hogwarts was silent as the three friends did not speak. But, unlike before, there was no unpleasant tension between them. Isabelle had not quite realised when the change in the atmosphere had occured, but she was not going to complain about it. Scorpius had actually started playing footsie with Albus, something the Hufflepuff had never seeing them doing before. It left her being incredibly amused, but she did not dare join in the game. Instead, she took to moving her right leg out of their game's reach so that she would be sure nothing unfortunate happened. She was content just watching them.

When the carriage stopped, the three did not lose a second to stand up. Scorpius got down first and offered a hand to Isabelle to help her out. The girl smiled brightly at him and as her hand touched his, a jolt of electricity shot up her arm. When he left her hand, she was sure she could still feel his fingers on hers. Heat rushed to her cheeks and Scorpius, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he looked at her. The poor guy could not understand why she was blushing.

She did not have much time to stop her racing heart as Albus placed a hand around her shoulders and led her up to the castle, Scorpius on the other side of him. Isabelle had to be thankful as the appearance of Albus made her feel a lot more comfortable. She could no longer feel her cheeks burning, and that in itself was welcome.

"It is sad we cannot sit together in a table. I mean, I will have to let you go to the Hufflepuff table while I'll be stuck in the Slytherin table. Terrible, isn't it?"

"I am still here, Potter," Scorpius scoffed from his other side, making Albus smirk in return.

"I am aware."

"We'll meet during classes," Isabelle cut in, not wishing for her friends to start bickering back and forth. "Not to mention that we will be able to sit together during breakfast and lunch. We could also meet in the corridors or arrange some time for us to hang out."

"Add me in the equation, please," Scorpius piped in, making the girl chuckle.

"Say, Belle, what does you plus me minus Scorpius mean?"

The girl shot him an amused smile before looking at Scorpius who had a scowl on his face as he expected his friend to say something incredibly stupid.

"I don't know."


Isabelle immediately burst out laughing as Scorpius's scowl deepened. Albus simply smirked at his friend who shot him a withering glare.

"Scorpius, I really am sorry for laughing," she said in between laughs, "I don't know why I found it so funny!"

"You don't know why? Come on, Demont, I am hilarious."

"Conceited too," Scorpius piped in with a triumphant grin on his face, thinking he had won in his and Albus's little competition of who would manage to tease the other the most.

"Sorry, did anyone hear an irritating boy speaking?"

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

"All right, relax, you have to stop this," Isabelle said as she tried to stop laughing. Carefully, she moved away from Albus's side and walked in front of the boys so as to manage to climb the staircase leading to the Great Hall. She did not wish to have to lean to anyone in order to climb the stairs.

"Why, I must say it is entertaining."

Scorpius rolled his eyes at his friend. "It really isn't, Albus."

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