Chapter Fifty-Five

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King's Cross Station was busy as usual this morning. Isabelle, walking behind her father to the direction of the platform nine and three quarters, had to keep her suitcase close to her at all times so that it wouldn't get lost in the crowd of people. She kept muttering apologies to those that bumped into her and to those she bumped into, even though nobody said anything in return.

Albert would frequently look back to make sure she was still there and alright, trying not to move quickly so that she would be able to keep up with him. Her suitcase was slowing her down even more and he had offered to carry it for her just before they had taken their portkey but she had insisted and he didn't press the matter. Even though he knew that taking her suitcase for her would make the process of getting to the platform quicker.

Elisa had not managed to join them to see her daughter off one last time, as she had a shift to cover. Isabelle would have liked having her mother with her but then again, she knew this had to be done. Her mother couldn't risk losing her job just so that she could see her off at the train station.

After lots of pushing and bumping into other people, Isabelle and her father reached the wall leading to platform nine and three quarters. Albert looked at her once, making sure that she was following him and then walked to the direction of the wall. He stopped just before it, took a look around and then casually leaned in, disappearing from view.

Next, it was Isabelle's turn. She walked over to the wall, careful not to touch anybody on her way there. Just like her father, she stopped before it, casting a cautious look around her. Instead of leaning in though like her father had done, she ducked inside, the rest of her body following the movement.

And with that, she passed to the wizarding world.

Following the trail of light, she left the narrow passage and found herself in platform nine and three quarters, a sea of people separating her from the scarlet Hogwarts Express that would take her back to school. Looking away from the train, she searched for her father, only to see him walking her way. She headed towards him, meeting him soon.

"This is the last time I'll see you off to school, isn't it?" he asked loudly so as to be heard over the sound of the engine and the chatter of people.

"It seems like it," she nodded as she offered him a smile. Without hesitation, she took a step forward as she put her arms around him while he did the same in return. "Take care, papa."

"You too, chéri," he said in her ear before pulling back with an almost playful look. "And I suppose you won't stay away from that boyfriend of yours for long-"

"We hardly stayed away from each other before entering a relationship, papa," her smile simply widened, "I can't just stay away from Scorpius like that."

"A parent can dream," he sighed, bringing Isabelle to giggle in return. A smile formed on his lips and when he next spoke up, he was more serious than before. "Take care. Your NEWTs are approaching but that's not a reason for you to not enjoy your last months in the school. I know you'll do well. Don't get too anxious about your exams and remember that you need time to rest as well. And I suppose I can't keep you away from your boyfriend."

"Yeah, I think you can't."

"Alright, but no funny business-"


Albert smirked at her mortified expression before his smirk fell only to be replaced by a gentle smile. "Your maman would have loved to see you off, you know."

She nodded. "I do. I'll be back soon, you won't even realise I was gone."

Albert raised an eyebrow and Isabelle knew he wasn't agreeing with her. "If you say so."

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