Chapter Forty-Three

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The news of Timothy's and Rose's break up was something somehow every student in the castle knew by the next morning. Albus was indeed furious when he heard about it, or rather, he was furious when he heard how heartbroken his cousin was, and the same could be said for Niha.

The only subtle difference between them was that while Niha was held back by Rose, Albus was held back by his own thoughts, as he knew that it wouldn't be appropriate of him to just punch the boy, no matter how much he wanted to.

On the other hand, Isabelle was more concerned about her friend than angry with Timothy. She didn't even care about him for as long as he or his friends didn't mock Rose. Her priority at the moment was her friend.

She had learnt about the news by Garry on accident. He had been telling all about it to Hailey at breakfast and she had been close enough to hear it. She had searched for Rose then at the Gryffindor table, but to no avail. She didn't come to breakfast, and neither did Niha.

Being unable to do anything at all, she had gotten ready for the day and headed to the Potions classroom. The door when she reached the classroom, however, was closed, and nobody seemed to be inside. She had come early. She waited in the corridor for some minutes, before the first students came. She had to wait for a lot more time though for Scorpius and Albus to finally come.

As soon as he saw her, Scorpius let a smile form on his lips as he walked to her and stood by her side, placing a kiss on her cheek as he did so. Albus offered her a tiny smile as he stopped walking in front of her, and she instantly returned it. However, she didn't watch him for long as she turned to Scorpius.

"How are you?" she asked softly as she offered him a smile.

"I am alright," he smiled back, "what about you?"

"I feel like eating chocolate."

"You are alright then."

She giggled just as the Potions Professor reached the classroom. She didn't pay attention at what he was doing as she stole a look at Albus who seemed lost in his own world. She had almost managed to gather the courage needed to ask him what was wrong, when the professor opened the door and the students got inside. Scorpius gently guided her forward, and she didn't protest in any way as she followed the rest of her classmates in the classroom.

She sat down behind her desk and waited for the class to begin. She kept silent as she listened carefully for any instructions so that she wouldn't get their assigned potion wrong. The moment the professor had stopped talking and had asked them to start brewing their potions, she turned to Scorpius.

"What's wrong with Albus?"

"It's Rose," he mumbled as he opened his textbook at the required page, "He is angry with Timothy. Give me a second, I'll be right back."

He headed to the back of the room to grab any ingredients needed and the girl, having nothing to do as their conversation was cut short, started reading about the potion they were supposed to be brewing. However, her mind was elsewhere. She didn't exactly know what had happened between Rose and Timothy, she just knew that they had broken up. Garry had said something about Timothy finding someone better than Rose, but she supposed that was just a rumour. Or rather, she hoped that it was just a rumour. Whatever had happened, she needed to talk to Rose.

"I'm back," Scorpius announced as he took his seat beside her once again and left the ingredients on the desk. He fixed the cauldron so that they could start with their assignment before turning to face her with a small smile. "What are you thinking about?"

"I have to find Rose and see how she is," she muttered, "I can't trust any rumours circulating around the castle. I have to find her."

"You don't have to find her to know the truth," he said softly as he leaned slightly closer to her ear while pretending to fix something with the cauldron. "She told me what happened yesterday."

Epiphany |Scorpius Malfoy|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum