Chapter Twenty

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Isabelle and Scorpius did not stay alone in the compartment for long. Soon enough, Albus came back, a small smile on his lips as he noticed that the two even if they still seemed tensed around each other, actually could stay in the same place with the other for some time without fighting. At least, that's what he hoped had happened while he was gone.

Conversation did not feel forced, something they all seemed to enjoy, and time passed with them hardly realising when they had reached London. As the train stopped, Isabelle left the compartment, claiming that she should return to the compartment she had previously occupied with her friends so as to grab her things and then head to her parents.

They said their goodbyes, Scorpius and Isabelle slightly awkward as they did so, and knowing that they would see each other once again at the ball the next afternoon, they got to their own ways.

When the blonde got to the compartment her friends had been in, she found it empty with the exception of her things on a seat. She grabbed it and slowly, limped out of the train and to the platform.

She was not really tall, making it difficult for her to see over the heads of all these people in order to find her parents. It seemed, though, that they would find it first.


Before she could really understand what was happening, she found herself in a tight hug. If she were to be precise, it was so tight and unexpected it seemed to cut the blood circulation in her body before the person pulled back only to reveal her father.

"Papa!" she grinned, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, chéri," he murmured as he pulled her in for another hug, "your maman was driving me crazy-"

"I am right next to you!"

Isabelle pulled back as she turned to face her mother, throwing her arms around her without a second thought. The woman chuckled as she turned to her husband and over her daughter's head, shot him a wink.

"How was your term?"

"Eventful," she mumbled as she pulled back, "I made some new friends."

"Do tell," she nodded, "I am curious."

The two marched forward, leaving the only male in the house to carry Isabelle's things. Albert let out a small huff as he followed after them, shooting smiles at those he knew around him as he made sure to not lose sight of the two. After all, he knew, that when the two started talking, they hardly ever paid attention to what was happening around them. He didn't want to be left behind.

They stopped in a corner of the platform and turned to him, smiles on their lips as he reached their side.

"So nice of you to think of stopping," he grumbled as he stood by his daughter's side, "I appreciate it."

"Come on, Papa," Isabelle smiled before she pressed a kiss on his cheek.

That seemed to do the trick as the corner of his lips turned upwards at the motion. The mother, Elisa, shook her head before taking out her wand.

"We are going to apparate," she announced.

Isabelle and Albert held hands and the girl grabbed her mother's arm. The next second, they found themselves seemingly twisting in a tube before they touched the ground.

"That was intense," the man mumbled as he stepped away. "Come, Isabelle," he smiled, "I have something to show you."

"What is it?" she asked, but before she could turn to her mother for answers, her father grabbed her hand and started leading her away.

Epiphany |Scorpius Malfoy|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu