Chapter Fifty-Two

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This train ride back to London seemed to be the shortest train ride Isabelle had ever been to. With Scorpius asleep on her lap, she had grabbed a cauldron cake at some point and was now munching quietly while making sure that no crumbs would fall on his face as he slept. She was lost in a world of her own, and as she kept eating at a snail's pace and looking at the moving scenery, she didn't realise when the train started slowing down until she felt the tremor she had grown used to stop.

It took her some time to realise that the train had actually stopped and when she did, she didn't feel like leaving. A small part of her hoped that she could stay in that compartment until it started leaving once again to take her back to Hogwarts, but she knew, she couldn't do that. Her parents would most likely be worried sick if they learnt that she missed her stop at King's Cross Station not to mention that she didn't want to drag Scorpius into this.

With a small sigh, she ate the last part of her cauldron cake and looked down at Scorpius, ignoring the growing chatter coming from the corridor and the station as more students were leaving the train.

"Scorpius," she murmured, placing a hand on his cheek and stroking it gently in hopes that he would wake up. Her tries weren't really successful, as he remained asleep. She called his name once more as she stroked his cheek, hoping that this time he would actually respond in a way. As he didn't give a sign that he was awake, she let out a sigh as she called out his name once again, this time in slight irritation.

The corners of his lips curved upwards a tiny bit. Isabelle pursed her lips as she looked down at him, realising that her darling boy was actually awake and mocking her. With a shake of her head, she called his name once again. As there was no response on his part, she kept stroking his cheek for some time. And then she did something she never thought she would do.

She slapped him. Lightly. But it seemed to do the trick.

Within seconds, Scorpius's eyes were open wide, his lips parted in surprise. Isabelle couldn't help but laugh.

"You - You slapped me!"

"It did the trick, did it not?" she grinned triumphantly down at him. "That's what you get for messing with me. Now stand up, we are already late."

"Father won't mind," he shrugged as he pushed himself up, not hesitating to send her a smirk when his head was level with hers. "He'll think we were busy."

"And I'm going to die of embarrassment," she laughed, "really, Scorpius, we've got to go."

"Fine," he relented, the smirk remaining on his lips. Before Isabelle could question him, he leaned in and kissed her, only bringing her to smile in return as she responded. Their little moment of intimacy didn't last long, though, as Scorpius pulled back with a smile. "We have to go."

She knew he was right. As he stood up, finally allowing her to move after hours of him sleeping on her lap, she grabbed her suitcase and headed to the corridor that hardly had any students left now. Scorpius soon followed her lead and they got off the train after finding the closest door leading to the platform. She glanced around in search of a man that could resemble Scorpius but before she had the chance to properly take a look around, he grabbed her hand and started leading her away. She didn't question him.

She heard the train as it prepared to leave and turned around, watching it as it returned to Hogwarts. There went her hopes of getting away. Before she had the time to ponder over this any longer, she felt Scorpius take his hand away from hers and the next second, she was attacked by someone who seemingly wished to break every bone in her body.

"I'm going to miss you so much!"

Isabelle barely managed to catch sight of red hair as she realised who her attacker was. With a smile, she hugged her friend back, letting her suitcase fall by her side.

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