Chapter One

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"Maman! Papa! Wake up!"

Albert let out a groan as he was woken by his daughter's happy squeals. Next to him, his wife let out a tired sigh.

"I am going to Hogwarts today! Wake up! I can't be late!"

Albert let out another groan before squeezing his eyes shut, wishing that he could just fall asleep once again. "Why is she so enthusiastic about that? This is going to be her seventh year there, I thought she would be less happy about it," he grumbled sleepily. "Not to mention that she wakes up early."

"Should I remind you Albert, that prior to us having a child, you wished to have a child that would be a morning person just to see the difference between your offspring and us?" Elisa asked from next to him, a hint of a smile on her lips as her husband let out another groan. "Consider your wish coming true."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

Isabelle stood in front of the mirror in her room, braiding her long straight hair into a single French braid. A smile was on her lips as she fixed her hair, her mind playing possible scenarios of what could happen that year.

It would be the year she would be taking her NEWTs, but she did not mind one bit. In her mind, it was too early for her to worry about such things. The thought of her seeing her friends once again was really great, she could almost think of nothing else.

She was sure, she would sit with Rose during the train ride and most probably, some of the girls she shared a dorm with would join them. They would speak about their holidays, share experiences and generally have fun. Of course, Isabelle could not forget the fact that Rose had made Head Girl. That meant that she would have to leave at some point, leaving her with her dormmates. Perhaps that would be the time when Albus and Scorpius would enter the compartment, but she was not sure and she should not get her spirits up. It was nice enough that she would be seeing them soon. She shouldn't be ungrateful.

She finished braiding the last of her blonde hair and let out a happy squeal. She was sure, if she actually had two whole legs, she would start bouncing up and down. Unfortunately, she was in no position to do such a thing.

Isabelle had grown in these last years, but the most remarkable change had happened during the summer of her sixth year.

The girl's face had cleared of the small amount of acne it previously contained, leaving her skin look flawless and she loved every bit of it. Her hair seemed to have gotten lighter too, making her light blue eyes pop out. In addition to that, she had taken some height in these months, leading to her having to buy a new case for her leg. Everything had seemed to be going well. She had not grown hence.

As Isabelle looked at herself in the mirror, she took notice of how normal she looked. She looked like a happy girl, one that did not have a care in the world, no one could ever guess that she was not completely normal. The case she wore where her leg should have been could vouch for that.

It was relieving, the fact that no one would ever know. She did not wish to be treated differently. She was sure, if word of her disability got out, she would receive the pity of others. She did not want their pity, she wanted them to treat her as an equal. She was certain, if they were aware of her situation, equality would be the last thing she would be receiving.

Isabelle shot a small smile at her reflection, happy that she looked normal, and then proceeded to grab her suitcase. She then dragged it behind her to the living room, just next to the portkey resting on the small wooden table in front of the fireplace. This year's portkey was a strange thing that she had heard muggles used to change the channels of their television.

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