Chapter Fifty-Eight

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The doors of the library burst open as Isabelle limped out of the room. Cassidy was close behind her, carrying both her books and Isabelle's as she caught up with her.

"Belle, where are you -"

"To find Scorpius," she replied without turning her way.

"But what will he do about-"

"I don't know, alright?" she snapped as she turned a corner sharply. Cassidy frowned slightly but nevertheless, she simply walked quicker so as to meet her pace.

"Look, I'm really sorry I didn't see him. He was hiding, I couldn't have known-"

Unexpectandly, Isabelle turned on her heels, almost bringing Cassidy to crash on her. With her lips pursed, she looked up at her friend. "I don't blame you. But I'd appreciate it if you let me talk to Scorpius alone."

Cassidy frowned once again. "But-"

"Really, Cassidy," she cut in without giving her a chance to reply, "I need to talk to my boyfriend about this." It was then that she noticed she had grabbed her textbooks she had failed to pick up in her mad dash out of the library. "Thank you for taking my books with you. I'll take them if you don't mind-"

"No, it's fine, I-I'll let them on your bed," she smiled weakly down at her as she took some steps back, "you go to your boyfriend. I'll see you later."

Cassidy offered her one last weak smile before turning away, disappearing from view quickly. Isabelle stood where she had left her for some more time with a frown before she shook her head, bringing herself back to reality once again and remembering her initial goal. Turning around, she resumed her limping to the dungeons. It was just her luck that as she got closer, she found some younger Slytherin students just leaving the common room.

"I'm sorry," she called out, catching their attention. "Is Scorpius Malfoy in the common room?"

The two girls exchanged a look before they turned to face her once again. "What do you want with him?"

Isabelle's eyes widened incredulously. "That's none of your business! I asked whether my boyfriend is in the common room!"

The girl from before raised an eyebrow. "He isn't."

The two girls exchanged another look and without hesitation, brushed past her and left.

Isabelle felt like screaming as she watched them turn away, but she managed to keep her composure - at least long enough for them to leave. As soon as they were gone, she expressed her frustration.

Jumping up and down in what she thought was an angry manner and not some childish tantrum, she started squealing lowly so as to not make the other Slytherins in the common room come out to investigate. She only stopped jumping when she got tired, and as for the squealing, it stopped when she had no more breath left. Then, for a change, she took to pacing.

She couldn't believe Garry had heard their conversation. She was probably the most unlucky person in the world. He was the only person she didn't want knowing and now he knew all about it. He had something against her and she was certain he wouldn't hesitate to use that information to his benefit. The worst thing about it all though, was that she had no clue when and how he would act.

Reaching up to brush a stray tear away, she stopped pacing and instead moved over to one of the walls. Sliding down, she tried to make herself comfortable before brushing yet another tear away. She rested her head on her knees as she sniffled.

First, Garry new about her situation, then, she had had a minor fight with Cassidy - something she would apologise for the moment she saw her again - and finally, she couldn't find Scorpius. The day was turning out to be worse than she had expected.

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