Chapter Thirty-Two

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Isabelle leaned back on the back of her chair, watching Scorpius the entire time as she did so. He had claimed that the one he liked didn't like him back.

She hadn't been aware that he actually liked someone. He had never told her directly and so, she had not thought of it. She didn't really know how to react to the revelation. It meant that he either actually liked her, or that he liked another.

She had to find out if it was her he was talking about. This way, she could test Cassidy's theory and also see if she should continue hoping that she had a chance with him or not. She looked at her cup, the thought in itself making her feel nervous. However, she had to know.

She cleared her throat, catching Scorpius's attention instantly. He looked up at her, surprised to see that she seemed hesitant. If he hadn't known any better, he would have said that his statement had affected her. When she spoke next, her voice was barely heard above the sound of the other customers talking.

"Will you tell me about her?"

Recognising his chance of getting some information out of her, he leaned slightly forward as he replied. "Only if you tell me about the one you like in return."

Isabelle bit the inside of her cheek as she thought. If it came out that he didn't actually like her, she would make a fool out of herself, but still, she needed to know. Who was the girl that occupied his mind? It was a question she needed to be answered.

And so, with a nod, she delivered her response. "Fine. But you'll start first."

It seemed like he wanted to protest, but after some time, he nodded. "You know her."

"And you know him," she mumbled, "tell me something else about her. Do you spend a lot of time together?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"Is it Effie?"

"No, besides, brunettes are not my type," he replied, before narrowing his eyes at her. "You asked two questions in a row. I am going to do the same."

Isabelle nodded, but her mind was not really there. If it weren't Effie, then who could it be? She didn't know any other girl that spent her time around Scorpius.

"Are you and that boy spending a lot of time together?"

She nodded. "We do."

"In which house is he?"

"I am not going to answer that question," she spluttered, her eyes wide, "that would be the same as me telling you who he is, and I didn't agree to that."

"It's still a question," he smirked, "You have to answer it."

"No, I don't," she pursed her lips, "and you lied, didn't you? You claim brunettes aren't your type, but the only girl you talk to frequently is Effie, and she is a brunette. You must be lying."

"I don't like Effie, Belle, she is like a sister to me," he pointed out, "and I speak to other girls too, if you should know."

Isabelle still didn't believe him. She raised her cup of butterbeer to her lips, still sceptical. This didn't make any sense. Still, she said nothing as she set her cup on the table and faced him once again. "What makes you think that I wouldn't ask Albus about her?"

"Even if you did, he wouldn't answer," he smirked, "What if I asked Cassidy?"

"She wouldn't tell you either."

"What about Bernard then? Or his girlfriend, or even better, my favourite person in your group, Garry? Would they not tell me?"

"No, they wouldn't," she shook her head, her smile widening as she saw the amused look in his eyes. "Bernard and Hailey are loyal friends and Garry wouldn't tell you out of spite."

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