Chapter Fourteen

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Isabelle and Scorpius split up at some point. He headed for the Slytherin common room and she headed for the Hufflepuff basement. She could not help but think that she had had a great time with him. Any conversation did not feel forced, and of course, the fact that he had actually held her hand was a bonus. All in all, she could say that this had been a great day for her so far.

As she reached the Hufflepuff common room, she tapped the barrels in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff and then got inside. As she had expected, the common room was not crowded. It seemed like most of her classmates had thought of going to Hogsmeade as well. Only the first and second years were left behind, but they weren't many anyway.

She got up to her dormitory and flopped on her bed. She looked at her sweets, only for her eyes to widen as she could not find Albus's liquorice wands anywhere. It wasn't until some time later that she remembered that she had given the sweets to Scorpius.

Rolling her eyes slightly, she grabbed one of the chocolate cakes she had bought and started eating while opening her charms textbook. Soon enough, they would actually attempt casting a Patronus.

Isabelle was excited about that to say the least. She could not help but wonder what animal was her protector. Of course, there were some animals that she did not wish to get.

First and foremost, she would hate to have a snake as her Patronus. She really did not like the animals, and it didn't really help that when she was little she had found one in her backyard. She would admit, she was afraid of snakes.

She really did not wish to have a rat as her Patronus as well. She really did not like the animals. Dirty little things going anywhere they could. She was fortunate enough to have never seen a rat in her life.

She also did not like ferrets. She really did not know why, but she had developed a strong dislike for them over the years. Perhaps it was because her mother did not like them at all and always commented that they were not really needed.

There were some animals though that she loved very much and that she would love to have as a Patronus.

Her favourite animal was a doe. She had associated the animal with purity and grace. In result, she would love for her Patronus to take that form.

She also really liked sparrows. She liked it that they were small and quick, and she also found them very beautiful. It was something about their simple appearance that she liked very much.

Lastly, she loved peacocks. Especially the male ones, because of their colourful tails. She was under the impression that they were very proud animals, and that, paired with the fact that they clearly were beautiful, had made her love the birds.

For the next hour or so, Isabelle read about the Patronus charm while eating her chocolate cakes. Once or twice, she thought that perhaps she should go see what her friends were doing, but every time she thought that she should leave, she found something very interesting in her textbook and continued reading.

However, it seemed like she would not be able to read her book for much longer.


The blonde looked up, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She recognised Cassidy's voice coming from downstairs. Slowly, she stood up and made her way outside.


This time, it was Bernard that was calling for her.

"I am coming!" she called back as she started descending the stairs. Her four Hufflepuff friends were there, Cassidy and Bernard grinning widely up at her while Hailey and Garry were sitting on individual armchairs.

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