Chapter Sixteen

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In the days that followed, Isabelle did not seem to be able to get over the dissapointment of the last charms class. Her friends had tried cheering her up, mainly Cassidy, as she had actually been there, but it seemed like her friend did not want to be in her company. Rose had picked up on her friend's mood as well and had tried cheering her up but to no avail. With her best friends failing to make her feel better, Scorpius decided to take action.

That Saturday, it was raining, so, they couldn't go outside like they would do if the weather was nice. Still, they could have fun in the castle. He had planned out where they would go and everything, he had one problem, though.

Scorpius could not find Isabelle.

He had searched in all the places he had guessed she would be, only to realise that she wasn't there. He had even visited the Hufflepuff common room and had made one of the Hufflepuffs call Hailey, Isabelle's friend in case she knew where she was. However, it came out that his blonde friend was not there.

Feeling quite disappointed as he had actually put much thought into their afternoon, he made his way back to the Slytherin common room, ready to accept defeat when he thought of another location he had not believed she would be in before. However, the more he thought about it, the more sense it made, and soon enough, he found himself heading to the library.

The chances of finding Isabelle there were slim, but no sooner had he stepped foot in the library that he saw her sitting on one of the chairs, in the company of one of her Hufflepuff friends and reading a book in silence. As he walked closer, he noticed that the boy opposite her seemed to glance at her every once in a while, bringing Scorpius's already dampened mood to worsen. Not that he actually understood why he felt like this.

Without making a sound, he sat down on the seat next to the girl. While she didn't notice him, her friend did. For some time, the two simply looked at each other, and it was clear from just one look that neither one of them liked the other.

Having realised that Isabelle did mean something to her friend, Scorpius leaned closer to her and just to annoy him, he placed a kiss on her cheek.

The blonde Hufflepuff jumped as she had not noticed him taking the seat next to her, but as she looked up, a small smile immediately formed on her lips.

"Hello," she greeted, her smile widening as he returned her smile, "I didn't hear you coming."

"I was expecting that, after all, you were reading your book," he pointed out, "but I did make my presence known, didn't I?"

She giggled slightly. "That you did."

"What are you reading about?" he asked as he leaned closer to her, aware of her friend's eyes on them. He could see her blushing slightly before she used her hair to hide her blush.

"Charms," she murmured as he pulled back.

"Not to say that studying for charms is not interesting enough, but I have something way more interesting planned for us this afternoon."

"Scorpius, NEWTs are too close-"

"You have months," he cut in, "will you spend the evening with me?"

Even if she ever wanted to say no, that charming smile on his lips made it impossible for her to actually decline his offer. She found herself nodding, and Scorpius, let a grin form on his lips as he grabbed her hand and gently hoisted her up.


Isabelle was about to leave with him, when she realised that she had come to the library with Garry. Before they could leave, she turned to him with a small frown on her lips. "Do you mind if I leave, Garry?"

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