Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Look at the weather outside," Bernard sighed as he looked outside at the Hogwarts grounds through a window close to the Great Hall. "Is it not wonderful?"

"Are you mental?" Cassidy scoffed, "There is a snowstorm outside."

"Bernard is looking at the snow," Hailey explained for him as she hugged him from behind. "The snow is indeed beautiful. I would suggest we went outside to play with the snow had the weather been better."

"We can always go another day, when the weather will be better," Isabelle suggested.

"When the weather gets better, we will go to the courtyard and build many snowmen and snowwomen," Bernard smiled as he turned around so that he could hug Hailey back.

"We could also make angels on the snow," she mused as they both turned to Cassidy. "What would you want to do, Cassidy?

"Wreck your precious angels, snowmen and snowwomen."

"Cassidy!" Isabelle laughed at her friends' horrified faces. "Don't listen to her, she would love to play a snowball fight."

"Of course I would," she agreed, "after all, I always win in that game."

Bernard narrowed his eyes at her. "You have clearly not played against me."

"I think your memory is quite poor, Bernard," she frowned, "when we were first years, you had lost in our snowball fight, same happened during our third year and last year, you didn't even make it a challenge for me."

He raised an eyebrow. "You say my memory is poor, but you are clearly biased. I won in our second, fourth and fifth year. I am going to win this year as well."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "We'll see."

"Isabelle?" Garry spoke up, and the blonde turned to him immediately with a small smile.


"Do you think we could hang out, since we have nothing to do this afternoon?"

A small frown formed on her lips as she shook her head. "I've made plans, Garry, I am sorry."

Instantly, his face hardened and when he next spoke, his voice was devoid of all emotion. "With Malfoy, I suppose?"

"No, her plans don't include Scorpius," Cassidy piped in as she stood beside Isabelle. "They do include me, though, and we could always invite him to sit with us. After all, he is quite the pleasant company."

"What kind of plans do you have?" Hailey asked softly as she turned to the two. "You obviously can't go outside."

"It's nothing interesting," Isabelle assured them, "we had just planned on studying Charms. We will go to the library and spend the rest of our afternoon there."

"You will excuse me if I don't join you," Bernard smiled, "I think I studied enough for today."

"I am sure you and Hailey have more interesting things to do," Cassidy winked at him before turning to Garry. "And don't you have arithmacy?"

"No, it was cancelled because the professor has caught a cold," he pursed his lips, "but I'll just go to the common room."

"Brilliant," she replied dryly.

"Cassidy and I should go," Isabelle smiled slightly as she grabbed her friend's arm and started walking backwards. "We'll see you during dinner!"

After exchanging their goodbyes, the two friends headed to the direction of the library, but they had hardly turned the corner when they were stopped. Rose and Niha were just rounding the corner, talking excitedly about something. They were about to walk by the Hufflepuffs without talking to them, when at the last second, Rose caught Isabelle's eye.

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