Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was as if the world around Isabelle had stopped. She remained unblinking, staring at Cassidy as if she had suddenly grown two heads. Her mouth had fallen open without her even realising, but her friend did not seem bothered by her reaction as she just looked at her, a small smile on her lips. Isabelle was not in that state for long.

Blinking quickly, she moved her hand that was under Cassidy's and closed her mouth, her posture rigid. The brunette waited patiently for her to process the information. Isabelle opened her mouth once but then closed it again, her eyebrows furrowing before she scoffed. In disbelief, she turned back to her friend.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me, Belle," she continued smiling, "I know about your situation."

"No," she shook her head, "no you don't."

She raised an eyebrow. "I actually do." Leaning closer to her, she proceeded to lower her voice so that nobody else could hear them. "I know that one leg of yours - the right one if I am not mistaken - is not whole and that you are using a prosthetic to walk around."

"That's not true-"

"Quit it, Isabelle," she cut in, "you were about to tell me anyway, why bother hiding it now?"

She pursed her lips. "I surely did not tell you anything. Did Scorpius?"

Cassidy blinked. "Scorpius knows?"

"He found out accidentally in the start of the year," she replied, "so he didn't tell you. How did you learn about it? A professor perhaps told you?"

"Nobody told me," she shook her head, "I just saw it one night, about two years ago, I think. You thought everyone was asleep and you had drawn the curtain around your bed closed but you had forgotten that I can see your silhouette through it."

She pursed her lips. "Does Hailey know?"

"Of course she does not," she frowned, "why would I tell her?"

Isabelle just shook her head. "I thought I had made a good job, hiding this from you. It seems like I was wrong."

"Not really, you did make a good job, it was out of luck that I found out," she told her, "and afterwards, I admit I was curious so when you were asleep, I got to your bed and saw the prosthetic for myself."


"Yes, I have to apologise for that," she admitted softly, "sorry for searching under your bed that night."

"It's alright," she nodded as she stood up, "if you don't mind, though, I am in no mood to study any longer. I'll take my leave."

"Belle, wait!"

But she was already making her way out of the library. Cursing under her breath, Cassidy ran after her and caught up to her just as she had left the library.

"Isabelle, I told you I am sorry-"

"I know," she snapped, "there was no need to follow me out, I just no longer wish to study."

"I could still join you-"

"No, Cassidy," she shook her head, "I want to stay alone."

The brunette frowned. "Why are you angry? You were going to tell me anyway, I just made it easier for you by telling you that you didn't have to actually let me know!"

"Cassidy, I don't-"

"Well, I can't understand why you are angry!"

"I don't know, alright?!" she burst as she turned around and faced her, glaring at her momentarily before her gaze softened. "I just want to stay alone for some time," she murmured as she looked at the ground. "I'll see you later."

Epiphany |Scorpius Malfoy|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon