Chapter Thirty-Six

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Some would think that after her confession, Scorpius would tell her all about his feelings immediately. After all, it was the logical thing to do. It wasn't like he didn't want to tell her either. He wanted to admit that he felt the same, that he was glad there wasn't someone else in her life that she liked more than him. However, he soon realised that he could not really speak.

He opened his mouth only to close it again as he realised that no sound could come out. He cleared his throat, having no clue as to why that had happened in the first place. After all, she had told him she liked him, he had no reason to be nervous. But still, as he looked up at her, he felt the nerves returning and he could almost feel his hands shaking.

He didn't have much time to ponder over what he was feeling at the moment though, because he could see that she was growing worried with every passing second as he didn't say anything. He could see it in her eyes and the way she bit her bottom lip and placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. She was feeling self-concious, and he hated seeing her feeling like that. Especially when he knew that he was the one to cause her that nervousness.

But he still couldn't tell her anything to reassure her. His voice was seemingly gone all of a sudden. That didn't mean that he could not control his body as well though. Without even thinking about it twice, he rushed forward and placed his arms around her, pulling her towards him.

Scorpius felt Isabelle tense slightly against him at the contact, but soon enough, she relaxed and moved her arms around him, hugging him back. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, unaware of the erratic beating of her heart against her ribcage. And then he placed a small kiss on her neck, and she almost melted.

But soon enough, he pulled back and looked down at her with a smile. To his relief, as he opened his mouth to speak, he realised that he had his voice back. "I.. I like you Belle-"

"I know," she cut in, a smile on her lips as she looked at him, "I think I've known for a while now."

He blinked quickly as he looked at him. "Really?"

"Well, yeah," she admitted shyly, "Cassidy had told me plenty of times, so had Hailey-"

"Splendid," he cut in with a chuckle, "everyone knew but us, then?"

"I think so," she giggled, "but we figured it out, that's all that matters, right?"

"Of course," he nodded, "it took us long enough, though."

"We did it though," she smiled, but then, her smile fell. "What did we do exactly?"

Confused, Scorpius looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean? We declared our feelings to each other,"

"Yeah, I know that," she explained, "but what are we? Shouldn't we determine that or something?"

"I didn't feel like it, but if you want then we could-"

"No, it's not a problem, don't worry!" she shook her head frantically, "I just don't know what to do, you know? This is new to me and I don't know what we are supposed to do. Don't we have to declare ourselves as..boyfriend and..girlfriend? Tell our friends and family and all that?"

"Not if we don't want to," he smiled softly at her. "I don't think it's necessary for us to have a label, for as long as we know what we share and remain loyal to the other."

"Of course, of course," she nodded as she looked at her feet, a light blush covering her cheeks. "That was a stupid question, wasn't it?"

"No, not at all," he assured her as he reached down to grab her hand, "it's a perfectly logical question, I don't blame you for asking. I am actually glad you did. I don't want anything to change between us in that matter. There's no need to hide things from each other. Just because we are something more now it doesn't mean that we still can't be friends."

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