Chapter Forty-Eight

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Isabelle was in a grassy plain, skipping happily. She was feeling free, like she had no kind of limitations and she knew just from that that in her dream, she didn't have a prosthetic and that she was like all of her peers. She was laughing as she ran around, evidently enjoying herself. However, after some time, she seemed to get tired.

It was then she noticed the only tree in the plain. It reminded her of a pine tree, but she knew, such trees had no place in a plain. Still, she didn't question it's presence and instead made her way towards it, sitting down at its roots the moment she could.

Isabelle relished in the shelter the tree provided as the rays of the sun could no longer reach her. She leaned back against its truck and closed her eyes, allowing herself to relax even for a little bit. She could feel the gentle breeze on her cheek and without even meaning to, a smile formed on her lips.

It was so quiet there. She wished she could spend all of her life sitting there, having absolutely nothing to think about. Just being able to appreciate the silence and peace only nature could provide.

Even in that paradise, though, she could sense something that was making her feel like she was being watched. She waited some more, keeping her eyes closed, hoping whoever was watching would get away and let her be. It seemed like they wouldn't go away though, as the uncomfortable sensation remained.

Isabelle reluctantly opened her eyes, only to see Cassidy looking down at her, her wild black curls swaying gentle in the breeze and her dark skin seemingly absorbing the sun. There was a huge smile on her lips and as she showed her pearly white teeth, Isabelle actually caught herself thinking that her teeth were reflecting the light.

This made absolutely no sense.

"I see you are trying to relax," Cassidy said as she tilted her head to the side, the smile on her lips not faltering in the slightest.

"Exactly," Isabelle muttered as she looked the other way. "Go away, I want to relax."

"You had enough of that," she protested instantly, "I'm going nowhere. No more time for you to relax."

"Leave me alone, Cassidy, I'm tired," she groaned, "Go bother someone else."

"I'm hurt," she huffed before pulling back. "For what you said, you are going to leave that tree now. Stand up."


"I said stand up!"


"Oh you will," she smirked as she grabbed one of her arms. "Come on, Isabelle, come on." She instantly tried to fight back but Cassidy was too strong. "Isabelle, stand up. Isabelle.. Belle. Belle... Belle!"

Isabelle jumped in her sleep, standing upright as she looked around her dormitory, only to see Cassidy standing beside her bed, her eyebrows furrowed in what could only be described as worry.

"What's wrong?" she instantly asked as she noticed her expression. Looking around the dormitory, she instantly realised Hailey wasn't there. "Where is Hailey?" As her eyes trailed to Cassidy, though, another question came to mind. Why was she awake before her? "Did something happen?"

"Yes, I was quite worried about you," Cassidy mumbled as she placed her palm on Isabelle's forehead. "You slept in."


"Yeah, I woke up at the time I always do and expected you to either be in the library or the Great Hall, but I saw you sleeping. Hailey told me I should let you sleep and come wake you up after breakfast and see how you are. Are you alright? You never sleep that much."

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