Chapter Forty-Two

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"I can't believe it!"

Isabelle watched Cassidy pacing just in front of her in their dormitory, glaring at the floor as she went. She was angry, that much was evident, and she really didn't want to get in the way of her anger, but she would admit to herself, seeing her so worked up over nothing was quite amusing.

"I tried everything I could, my aim was perfect! We would have won if it weren't for that stupid seeker!"

"Now you are being unfair," Hailey piped in from her position on the bed, "the seeker tried their best, the Slytherin seeker was just better than them."

"They didn't try enough then!" she burst, "We lost! To Slytherin! I am never going to forget that one."

Hailey rolled her eyes. "You speak as if you've never lost to Slytherin before."

Isabelle's eyes widened instantly as she turned to look at Cassidy, waiting for her reaction eagerly. She didn't even breathe as the girl slowly turned to face Hailey that didn't even seem to realise that what she had said was quite dangerous for her well-being. Instead, she was watching her nails in an indifferent manner, only to stop doing that when she heard someone clearing their throat. She blinked quickly as she looked up, only to witness the murderous glare sent her way.

Her eyes widened, and without a second thought, she backed away and quickly headed to the door. "I think I can hear Bernard calling me, I have to go bye!"

She almost ran out of the room, closing the door behind her as she went. For some time, there was silence in the dormitory, before Cassidy, unable to keep her composure any longer, burst out laughing.

Isabelle jumped at the unexpected sound, her eyes wide as she watched her friend laugh. Had she actually missed something? After all, she was certain that just some seconds ago, Cassidy had been fuming. Where had the laughter come from? She turned to face her then, and the bright smile on her lips was an indicator that whatever it was that she had been feeling some moments prior, no longer was there.

"Cassidy, I don't mean to sound rude," she spoke up softly, slightly hesitant as she watched her friend, "but are you alright?"

"Why would I not be?" she shrugged as she walked to the wall closer to Isabelle and leaned against it, the smile never leaving her lips. "I am just laughing about Hailey's reaction. I don't think she has ever fled like that before."

"Right, I admit it was funny," she allowed, "but you had been angry just a minute ago and now you are laughing. Are you alright?"

"I wasn't really angry, just annoyed, I had started playing a role though and couldn't exactly quit in the middle of it all," she shrugged, "I am perfectly fine, I assure you. I mean, I am bothered that we lost, but in the end of the day, it's just a game and I am not going to hate all Slytherins just because they won."

"I wasn't exactly expecting you to," she admitted, "how can you hate all Slytherins anyway? That's pretty prejudiced, this description just doesn't fit you, at all."

"Yeah, I suppose it doesn't," she smiled as she sat on the bed and leaned slightly towards her, placing a hand on her knee. "So, did you end up finding Scorpius yesterday?"

"I did," she admitted, "or actually, he found me. I also was saved from spending the afternoon with Garry." Almost instantly, a frown formed on her lips. "That was mean, I shouldn't have said that."

"It's alright to share your feelings about someone," Cassidy assured her, "you just don't like Garry, that's not a crime. You can't like everyone."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I have to speak poorly of him, you know."

"You didn't speak poorly of him," she pointed out, "you just expressed your desperation that you want to get away from him because he keeps trying to be in your company. He also doesn't take a hint. If you want, I could punch him, that would make him realise that he has to get away from you."

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