Chapter Twenty-Five

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After the difficult situation Isabelle found herself in with her case's dislocation, it seemed like days were uneventful. She spent most of her time in the library studying, as NEWTs were coming close and if she wanted to be a healer, she had to try hard.

Occasionally, she would take a break from studying in order to spend some time with a friend, usually, Cassidy, Rose or Scorpius, and then she would get back to her routine. Many would claim that she was taking things too seriously, but as her father liked to say, if it meant that she came out to be right, then all the try was worth it. Of course, he did not say it for that reason. Most usually when he used that phrase, it had something to do with her mother.

Still, she did take his advice to heart and tried not to be distracted. Nearly three weeks after the incident, though, distraction came in the form of a Quidditch match.

"Why is the match so early on?" Isabelle asked the morning before the Quidditch match.

"Apparently, Trelawney had a dream that the weather would be awful when the Quidditches matches were set to be, so our dear Headmistress decided to move the dates," Cassidy replied with a scoff as she got ready for the match. "That's ridiculous, if you ask me. A Quidditch match is not cancelled because of some bad weather! What does Trelawney and her dreams have to do with Quidditch anyway? That woman is ancient, she and Flitwick should retire and get on with it."

"Now you are just being unnecessarily mean," Hailey called from her bed without opening her eyes, "Flitwick has nothing to do with Trelawney's predictions."

"He still is ancient, though," she rolled her eyes, "is he not tired of teaching?"

"The way you speak about him, someone would think you hate him," Isabelle smiled, "but that's not true, right?"

"Of course I don't hate him," she scoffed, "I am just being honest. The old bat should have left years ago."

The blonde's smile widened. "He is more like a mouse, actually, with his mustache. It is like whiskers."

Hailey let out a groan before placing the pillow over her head.

The match was between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The usual company of Hufflepuffs minus Cassidy headed over to the pitch, all of them dressed in black and yellow. They were clearly showing off their Hufflepuff pride and were counting on their team to win. Scarfs were on their necks and Isabelle who was not half bad at Charms had charmed their badges so that the badgers could cheer.

"We are going to go really high up," Hailey decided for all of them, "so that we will be able to see everything. And we'll also be close to the professors' box."

Bernard was the commentator of the match, and his girlfriend wanted to be as close to him as she could be.

"Of course we are," Garry scoffed as they climbed up the stairs, Isabelle with some more difficulty but still, she said nothing as she followed after them. At some point, Bernard left, and the three after Hailey's suggestion, sat down in the row behind Niha. Rose was the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, so without her friend, the brunette was now alone.

"Hey," Isabelle greeted as she placed a hand on her shoulder. Instantly, the girl turned around, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Hello, it's been a while."

"Indeed it has been. Are you excited for the match?"

"I am, but I do know what the result is going to be already," she smirked as she looked her dead in the eye, "Gryffindor is going to win."

"Not even in your wildest dreams," Hailey piped in, "Cassidy is one of our beaters, nothing will get past her."

"Well, nothing is going to get past our keeper, so I don't really think you stand a chance."

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