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[3:38 a.m.]

New Message [3]


Hey, you awake?

Sorry I snapped. My sister woke me up trying to steal the last of my purple nail varnish.

Sending Message...

I'm awake. Barely.

New Message [1]

I can't get back to sleep.

Sending Message...

What do you want me to do about that? Hold you?

New Message [1]

Keep talking, I might just stab you.

Sending Message...

Fuck you senseless?

New Message [1]

My arse is pretty fine being a virgin.

Sending Message...

Suit yourself. And who said it was going to be up your butt anyway?

New Message [1]

Charlie, I think I know what a butt slut you are.

Sending Message...

You're boring.

New Message [1]

Sorry, what should I have said? "Oh Charlie hold me, fuck me!"

Sending Message...

I bet you're an adorable sleeper.

New Message [1]

That came out of nowhere. I guess you won't ever find out though, Sweetcheeks. I don't intend to fall asleep tonight.

Sending Message...

Does that mean I have to text you all night? Wow. My life sucks big dick.

New Message [1]

You could be sucking mine, Gay Boy. ;)

Sending Message...

What would I be sucking exactly? Thin air?

New Message [1]

You're a great lad, you know that. Very funny. Should become a stand-up comedian.

Sending Message...

So should you.

New Message [1]

Charlie? You still there?

Sending Message...

In the ten seconds between sending a message and receiving a new one, yes.

New Message [1]

I think you're pretty cool.

Sending Message...

Honestly, I think you're cool too. From the way you text, you'd never guess you were just a miserable goth.

New Message [1]

This art project is going to go so smoothly. You remember the deadline for next week don't you?

Sending Message...

Right. Yeah. The art project.

New Message [1]

What's up? You went all short sentences on me.

Sending Message...

Nothing. I just thought you meant outside the art project. With the cool compliment.

New Message [2]

Dickhead! You're the most boring person in real life, ever. Nah, I think you're cool outside art, too.

Charlie, serious question?

Sending Message...

Yeah, go on?

New Message [2]

How did you know you were gay?

Wait. It doesn't matter. Night.

Sending Message...

You sure? I can tell you if you want? It's quite a story. It involves vaginas.

[no replies, smiling lips and several rereads later]

Sending Message...

Ferne? Are you gay?

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