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"What's on your mind?"

"My mind? Dicks, dicks, dicks. Dicks. Alternatively, the other fraction of my mind is thinking about what I'm going to eat later."

"Typical guy."

"If someone other than me heard you say that, they'd be triggered!"

"They're already triggered by my eyeliner."

"Whatever, man."

"Honestly, what's on your mind? You've been stirring the cream in your hot chocolate for more than an hour, and you haven't been watching the movie."


"C'mere. Shuffle up closer to me. You look cold so I'm going to actually share my blanket with you."

"Your home theatre is great."

"Is that sarcasm?"

"Maybe a little."

"So my family can't afford a gigantic television. What's your problem?"

"Trying to refrain from kissing your lips."



"Charlie, your kisses melt my heart-"

"I want to bring you home to my parents."


"I know that it's crazy. I know that they'll ground me forever. Or worse. Make me talk to my llama-loving conversion therapist until he passes away before my eyes. But I don't want to hide you from them. You're so much more to me than any other boy I've ever had a crush on. More than the priest's son. More than this beating of my heart. Ferne, I really do love you. I want them to see that."


"And I know, this isn't going to change their views magically. Just because I have you, the world isn't going to tilt a different angle. But it'll bring me a sense of release. To show my commitment. To show them that love wins. This is crazy talk I know. But you've told your parents haven't you?"



"They weren't bothered. My parents don't care. They just smiled and said it was brilliant I finally found someone."

"Those are the parents everyone needs."

"Charlie, this is getting deep. Are you sure you want to tell them?"

"I'm set on it."



"Sorry to break this aura of tragic romance, but, mate, I've been watching you stir that motherfucking hot chocolate for over an hour and the sounds that the spoon makes against the mug is pissing me off. So with all the politeness, fucking stop you arse-whore and drink it."

"Drink my toe."

"Physically impossible."

"Not when I force it down your throat."

"I'll gag on it like I gagged on Dickie."

"You'll gag on it like you gagged on your mother's vagina."

"What? Charlie, you are a messed up little fucker!"

"What, you're bisexual aren't you, Ferne? Best of both worlds. Lick, lick."

"You know, I'm still not sure of my sexuality, so right now I'm calling myself bisexugay."


"Shut up, I'm confused."

"Well, one thing you can cross off the list of a billion sexualities is your heterosexuality."

"That's true. I'm the furthest thing from a heterosexual right now. But still. Don't label me, I'm not your luggage."

"Someone's triggered."


"What is it my sexually confused boyfriend?"

"If we win the £1000, I'll buy you a promise ring."



"Ferne, the only thing you're buying is a new television. This one sucks."

"Way to kill the romantic aura."

"You did it first, fuckboy."

This is the final chapter in the dialogue style. The next two chapters will be the 'normal' kind of chapters.

The next two chapters are also the epilogue, split into two.

That's right. Ferne and Charlie's story is almost coming to an end! But don't cry children, I'm thinking of writing another dialogue book to do with transgenderism or some other LGBT related aspect. I'll keep you updated if I decide to do this.

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