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Well, the boys speech didn't go as planned. Because as Ferne and Charlie spoke about their trials and tribulations, describing the process of spray painting walls and becoming inspired by the gross fluids pouring out of their penises, their art teacher's proud grin wiped off her face as she became desperate to shut the boys up.

Somewhere in the crowd, an off duty policeman who had come to see his daughter, slowly rose out of his seat his face a mixture of anger and relief. So these were the rowdy bastards terrorising the town with ass milk!

Mrs. Knox ran on stage, practically tripping over her long paint stained skirt. She snatched the microphone from Ferne's hands.

"Well, next up we have-"

Ferne glowered. "Miss, we're not done yet!"


"You're a fucking homophobe too!"

Mrs. Knox anxiously noted the police officer steadily making his way up to the stage. Ferne, who was blind with rage, snatched the microphone back from his teacher said, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is exactly why we spray painted the whole town. For homophobic jerks like this old hag! Who would have thought my lovely art teacher was also one of those infected, disgusting,"

"Ferne." warned Mrs. Knox.

"ugly, nasty-"


"fat old bag."

The police officer looked up at Ferne and Charlie, and smiled. "Hello boys."


It was a fine or community work.

Needless to say, neither Charlie or Ferne's parents were delighted.

So why not make it worse?

The two boys sat on a bench opposite their parents, waiting outside the interview room as they had all been instructed. Ferne tapped his foot to an imaginary beat and Charlie tried to avoid his parents stare as best as he could.

There couldn't possibly have been a worse time. Charlie knew that. Here they all were, two families and two lovers, in a police station, waiting to hear how long the boys would spend doing community work and cleaning up their graffiti. And yet, Charlie held his breath.

Why fucking not?

May as well add more fuel to the fire. 

"Mum, Dad, I have something to tell you."

Everyone looked at him.

Charlie's trembling fingers sought out Ferne's, interlocking just as easily as the final puzzle piece slips into a gigantic jigsaw. Ferne's eyes widened, staring at his boyfriend in a mixture of shock and relief.

With a calm, unwavering and warm tone, Charlie said, "I'm in love with Ferne." When a horrified silence followed suit, Charlie spoke again.

"Because he is my boyfriend."

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