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Going through some major chapter reconstruction, guys! You can still read this if you like, but I'm not happy with it. Also, if you're from the LGBT+ BC, I'd prefer it if you could start reading from chapter "love", the next chapter, until I get around to making this chapter the best it can be. And for purposes of storyline, this is basically an insight into why school rang up Charlie's father. There! Now you can read ahead!


Barley Green High School
self-completed student incident report

Name:  Charlie Kingston  f̸a̸g̸g̸o̸t̸ f̸u̸c̸k̸e̸r̸

Age: 18 f̸u̸c̸k̸i̸n̸g̸ f̸o̸u̸r̸

Gender: [male] female ch̸a̸r̸l̸i̸e̸ i̸s̸ a̸ l̸i̸t̸t̸l̸e̸ b̸i̸t̸c̸h̸

Name(s) students involved*: Nathan Greene, Sam Dales, Marcus Potterson t̸h̸e̸ b̸e̸s̸t̸

Name(s) of teachers as witnesses*: N/A

Incident Description: I was watching a video in class, which included two boys kissing. After that class, Nathan ran after me shouting "small dick, brain thick", throwing chunks of mouldy bagel at me. I tried to ignore him, when Sam and Marcus cornered me, grabbing my arms. They were asking me questions like if I'd suck their dick, or if I fantasise about their bum-holes. I didn't retaliate I was just trying to get out of their grasp. That's when Nathan caught up and started kicking me in the dick yelling, "you faggot boy. You faggot maggot. We hate little wormy bastards in our school. You homosexual cunt etc." He then swung at my nose and that's why I'm here, scribbling in the headmasters office opposite three brain-dead twats who pick on me for my sexuality. Now Nathan is trying to grab this incident sheet out of my hand. No doubt he'll succeed and write a bunch of homophobic crap all over----

To be filled out by a teacher

Medical Attention*: bandages for Charlie's legs where Nathan kicked with his football boots, and a plaster for Charlie's bust nose.

Contact number*: 0798422231987

Action to be taken: calling Kingston's parents to tell them what happened.

* not compulsory and/or not applicable

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