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[ferne's phone]

New Message to Charlie

No. No, I'm not gay. That's what I've been telling myself all along. I had my suspicions as I was growing up, but I was scared to even question. But being near you has brought back those questions, like what if I am? And I just never want to admit it to myself that it's a possibility. I know you'd have all the answers Charlie. I really like you, but it confuses me because, let's be honest, you're fucking stupid. And moody. And art obsessed. The cold hearted Ferne is just a facade, to stop Marcus and Nathan from suspecting and bullying me like they bully you. Yeah I know. Pussy boy, right? You can make fun of me for it later. I'm sure you can see that it's just a shield against society though, through all the empathetic soft shit I've done. It's true the art project we planned isn't just for you. It's for me too. Like 'ass milk' is my way of finding closure to my questions. I hate you so fucking much for doing this to me Charlie, but at the same time I like you and wish you'd look at me, and see the scared little boy inside, whose too afraid to question his sexuality. I'm not saying I love you, Charlie. I'm saying you could bring me answers. But... I wouldn't mind if you loved me. Actually... I'd quite like it if you did... I'd love you too----


Message Deleted.

Sending Message...

Fuck no. I'm not a faggot.

[throws phone, distraught, on the bed and showers aggressively. yes, at 3 a.m., don't be so judgemental.]


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