118 | UNO

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UNO. The game that ruins friendships. Definitely a game that Rucker and Yaz shouldn't play together. Ever.

Rucker slammed his wrapped hand on top of the messy pile, causing cards to fly everywhere. "You can't put down two fucking skip cards!"

Yaz pushed her glasses up on her nose, eyes full of malice and challenge. "Yes, you can! They're the same damn color."

"Fine." Rucker put two cards on top of her yellow ones. "I battle your skips with my skip and draw two. Ha."

"This isn't Pokémon, you can't battle a damn skip," Yaz snapped.

"Who says I can't?" Rucker threw down another card. "Draw four."

Yaz narrowed her eyes, throwing down her own card. "You draw four, bitch."

"No, you draw two!" Rucker yelled, slamming down another card.

"You draw four!"



I sat next to both of them, watching them throw down cards like they were feeding bread to psychotic birds. In the middle of it all, I tossed down my red card. "Reverse."

Panting like maniacs, they both swung their heads to me, glaring. "You can't do that," they hollered in unison and resumed their card throwing.

"Uh, where's Khan?" I asked, looking around, trying to find a way out of this unwinnable game, hoping he could save me.

Three days have passed, and we still had no internet and still couldn't request anything. Sebastian still wouldn't talk to us either. He closed himself off in his room, and no one's seen him since he left. We went to his room, but he never answered. Every time we knocked, eerie silence answered. I go back there at least five times a day, trying to get him to listen to me, but I get nothing.

I felt so guilty for not believing him. I wanted to, but I had to do it. I had to question him about his ankle. I did the right thing, right?

She doesn't think so though. She constantly bitches at me to fix it. And she definitely stuck to her word about making me fart in my sleep. She tries to act all uppity and mature, but she's so petty and childish.

I took a page out of Tini's book and started wearing multiple underwear and thick pants when I slept, along with a thick blanket over top. Suck it.

"Khan left early this morning again," Yaz said, placing down two red reserves, making Rucker growl like an angry wolf.

"He's never around anymore," I said, tossing down my cards and petting Duke who was on his back next to me, sleeping.

"You know how Khan is — once something intrigues him, he's gotta figure it out." Yaz flipped down a red six.  "Probably still trying to figure out who the thirteenth contestant is."

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