101 | Truth or Lie - Jookie Edition

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LET THE GAMES BEGIN. Jookie tapped the empty air between us, a holographic space forming as a glowing number one materialized, along with a bright red statement:


Under the lettering was a bright green button that said "TRUTH" and a red button that said, "LIE."

My eyes flickered away from the words to his eyes, absorbing the false purpleness of them. This was easy. His real eyes were a smoky gray, so this statement was a lie.

I tapped the red button with a giant grin plastered on my face. Instantly, a beeping alarm wailed throughout the small room, digging into my eardrums like a needle on skin, as red dots danced on the walls and floor.

All the commotion — the lights and noise — rubbed at my brain like sandpaper on a seashell, overloading my senses. My eyes blurred, and my head throbbed, and I panted and closed my eyes, trying to breathe.

The alarm continued for a few moments more, and I gasped when it was over, everything part of my body tense.

Jookie gave me a shit-eating grin. "Wrong answer, my little peach."

"Couldn't you just say that?" I massaged my temples, still trying to catch my breath. "Why you guys gotta be extra with all the noise and shit? And how was I wrong?"

He tapped his eyelid. "These are my real eyes."

"No, they're not. Your real eyes are gray."

He pursed his lips, eyes dancing like dandelion petals in the wind. "Yes, but I never said anything about my eye color. I said eye as in eyeball."

"You tricky fucker," I whispered, knowing I should've analyzed the question more before answering. He did the same trick with our first challenge where we had to find the "biggest" body part.

Betinia's smart ass caught on to his trick almost immediately back then, but I was in charge now, and I would figure out his tricks on my own. And I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Jookie snapped his fingers, and Rucker shouted, "Holy shit."

Head snapping to the window, my eyes enlarged at the sight of the long, thick saws retreating into the cement walls, only to be replaced by bigger ones.

Nine buzz saws popped out of the ground like whack a mole, jagged edges spinning in the watery sludge, creating thousands of air bubbles as they extended upwards, casting a shadow on Rucker's hard face.

"What the hell is that," I said, watching the seven-foot saws tower over Rucker from all sides. They were fucking huge.

"Oh, I also forgot to mention that when you get one wrong, something bad happens to Rucker," Jookie said, cheeks widening. "It won't be anything deadly until you get five wrong. Since this was your first loss, we went easy on him and only made the saws bigger."

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