111 | Riding Who?

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WRATH. That's the only word to describe the emotion that was forming on Seb's crazed face.

Jookie is such a nauseating cretin. Who brags about kissing a girl? I think he's trying to fuck with Seb's head. My Sebbie wouldn't fall for such ludicrous tactics. Sebbie? Seriously? You're just mad because my man is kicking your man's ass. Jookie's not my man. You did kiss him. Still doesn't mean anything. You kissed Khan. Because of a dare, and I was drunk. You voluntarily kissed Jookie. Because I was trying to save our lives. Keep telling yourself that.

Giggling, Jookie ran forward and dipped down low to avoid Seb's head-on strike at his face. Once it went over his head, Jookie elbowed Seb in the ribs and stomped on his foot. Seb jerked, and Jookie flung his leg up, knocking the knife from Seb's hand. Then he followed up with a nice long slice across Seb's back.

Seb slipped and fell to the ground, and Jookie giggled and kicked Seb in the face. A gush of blood poured from Seb's mouth, sliding down his chin.

"How's that?" Jookie said on a laugh. "Still boring?"

Seb swallowed his blood, licking his teeth clean as he shrugged. "I'd give you a five outta ten. No — five point five. Nice kick to the face."

Jookie picked up Seb by his hair. "That's a low score coming from someone who's about to grace my skin with their blood."

Seb just smiled, eyes spinning like he was on something.

"Why'd you make this deal?" Jookie asked, dragging Seb over to the buzzing saw in the corner. It spiraled at an alarming rate, drenching both of them in dirty water. "You should've known you couldn't beat me."

Seb turned his head to me, water sliding down his face. The look he gave me was filled with so much intensity and emotion that I felt her quiver. "Because of her angelic face. Just the sight of her melancholic tears destroying her beautiful wispy sweetness made it feel like the world was caving in on my heart, destroying every delicate vessel and tissue. I couldn't take it. I had to do something to stop her endless suffering."

Oh, Sebbie. Seb... Oh, god.

"Spare me the dollar store poetry," Jookie said, rolling his eyes before smiling. "And don't worry. You won't have to see her cry anymore because you'll be dead." A wide grin slid across Jookie's happy face. "And the game will continue."

"JoJo, it's funny how you really think that." Seb brought his hand down on Jookie's collarbone, chopping it with a hard smack. Jookie stumbled to the right and let go. Seb almost flew back into the moving saw, but he swerved out of the way just in time, flipping in the process.

"That'll never happen," Seb said, stretching.

Jookie gritted his teeth, holding a hand to his neck. "Because..."

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