31 | Fiery Piss & Other Unfortunate Things

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EMOTIONS. While growing up, I had them — I wasn't a psychopath, but I didn't outright express them. Like when I found Duke dead in that present box on my birthday — everyone cried and hollered. But I just stood there. Calm. It wasn't that I wasn't upset. I was devastated, but I internalized those emotions into thoughts and questions, trying to figure out why this happened and who did it.

I'd always been like that, except here. Since waking up in that abandoned room, I'd experienced and outright showed so many emotions. And right now, fear was up close and personal.

Saws. Fucking saws. How the fuck would we survive saws!?

"Lord Tyaco, please don't let me die here," Aries chanted from somewhere. "Kill everyone else and whisk me from this unholy ground and to your beautiful spaceship."

"Will you shut the fuck up with that alien god crap? It's not real," Yaz snapped from afar. "And fuck you too. I hope a saw lodges up that tight ass of yours and cuts you and your dick and half."

Ignoring their bickering, my eyes shifted to the three giant saws that emerged from the top layer. Just looking at the size of them sent cruel trembles down my throat and chest, making me pant even harder.

They could cut me in half.

A harsh whistle blared through the atmosphere, breaking me from my concentration. Jookie floated around on his platform, a grin plastered on his ivory skin. "Let the saws begin."

My pulse lodged into my throat as the cake began to rumble and split into thirds, each saw getting a side. The saws began to sprint in place at the top, buzzing like angry bees that wanted to attack. The blades moved at a fast pace, sending flicks of dirt, debris and fog into the air.

I coughed, feeling every part of me blaze like fire. Seconds passed like days as the saws continued to just spin in place, the light glinting off them, making the jagged edges look extra pointy.

Moments later, they sprinted down toward us.

Luckily, I wasn't in the way of any of them, but Sebastian wasn't so lucky. His body was positioned right in the pathway of one. The saw accelerated toward him, missing him by a nanosecond when he threw himself to the far right, which caused him to slip and tumble all the way down.

My eyes went to follow him, to see where he landed, but a slither of sickening agony trifled through my tummy and ankle. I squeaked, feet stumbling, and I slipped down a few steps before catching myself, feeling another blade slice my knee.

"Ouch," I whispered, looking down at myself. Tiny zippered gashes lined the middle of my tummy, blood seeping down from every incision. The skin around my ankle and knee blazed, meaning I must be cut there too. Fuck.

Peering around, mini buzz saws slipped in and out of various layers for several seconds. That's what must've hit me. I breathed through the prickling pain, trying not to look at the cuts because then they would hurt more. Focus.

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