126 | Heels & Choices

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STRONG. I was strong enough to keep those promises. I didn't have Tini, but she was here, and hopefully, she could help me think of a way out of this. 

What's your real plan to get us out of this? Get naked. You were serious? If it's a boy, maybe they'll be distracted by your boobs enough for you to run away. Really? You think I'm that pathetic? I mean you're good for your brain... not much else. Fine, teach me how to fight like you then. In two minutes? That's like teaching an elderly nun to relax during anal. Not going to happen.

Fine. Can you be Dumbledore and give me some sage advice? Harry should've gotten with Hermione instead of Ginny, but he's too dense and shallow to realize it. Fuck off! Sorry. Her and Ron were meant for divorce court and marriage boot camp.

You suck at giving advice. Well when you're almost flawless, you don't need to give advice. People just need to bask in my glow, and their lives will be better. Is your ego really that big? Remember this, if I die, you die. So, if we die, you'll never see you precious Sebbie again. This is true. Come on—are you serious? You're going to help me because you want to get to Seb? I was clearly joking. Yes, I like Sebbie, but my life doesn't revolve around him. I don't understand my draw to him though — it's weird. Like —

"You're talking to your alters, aren't you?"

A creepy humorous glow colored each word.

I froze. How did they know about us?

"That's why you're so quiet."

A laugh lit the air, as footsteps crunched closer, but still out of view.

Okay. I analyzed the situation enough to think of something. What? They're stupid.
What the hell does that have to do with anything? Well, if they wanted to just murder us they'd have tried to already. It's been what — fifteen minutes now? They want to mess with us first, which gives us time to do my plan. What plan? You need to fight them. But you said I couldn't win? Probably not hand to hand combat because they probably have a weapon, but if we get you a weapon too than you might have a chance. Where am I going to get a weapon? The most dangerous thing I can find is an empty milk container. You're wearing some weapons right now. Huh? Your shoes.

My shoes? I peered down at my boots, focusing on the heels. They were like seven inches, but still.

Heels kill people. Thus, they can hurt whoever is after us. That means I have to kick them, which they can dodge. Trust me, I know you're incompetent, so I wouldn't dare put that much pressure on you. I hate you.

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