125 | Oink, Piggy. Pretty Please?

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Author Note Hey guys! I did another all-nighter to get them out tonight 😭 Sorry for any mistakes! I hope you guys enjoy them

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Author Note
Hey guys! I did another all-nighter to get them out tonight 😭 Sorry for any mistakes! I hope you guys enjoy them. I had more but they still need some editing so they'll be out next week. Stay safe 🖤🤍


FUCK ME. Please just fuck me.

Why couldn't I catch a break? Cracked slivers of hot anxiety oozed across my scalp, as I rammed my fist into the rocky wall, dirt and debris sprinkling everywhere. I couldn't do this without her. Tini. I need you. Please.

No matter how much I called her, only emptiness and loneliness answered back. Please.

"I wonder how many times I can make you oink before you cry?"

Every word glissaded across my face like water droplets on melting ice, every syllable making me shiver, bringing me back to our first encounter in the tunnel.

TINI! I screamed for her, putting every ounce of anguish and grief that I could muster into her name. Still nothing.

"Hahahaha — scream all you want, piggy. I'll have you oinking all over my skin later."

They continued to mock and cackle at me, their robotic voice echoing around the enclosed space, consuming every square foot.

The darkness made everything worse, heightening all my other senses, making me feel like they were everywhere all at once. I closed my eyes and punched the wall again, not knowing what to do. "Just f-fuck me," I whispered, sliding my forehead against the dirty wall.

Be careful what you wish for, Betty White. This Porky pig loving pop tart just might try that, and then we have a whole other issue on our hands. Ugh, it was just a figure of speech! And I was leaning toward the thirteenth contestant being a girl.

That doesn't change anything. Have you never seen a sex toy before? Of course, I have!! Aggressive, much? You may have seen one, but you certainly haven't USED one based on your current attitude. Might I recommend — please please please do not finish that statement. I really don't want to know your favorite sex toy. What? Just trying to add some humor to our lives before we die. We're not going to die. If I get Tini back, we'll be fine. 

She wouldn't just abandon me like this. She'd come. She always did.

Closing my eyes again, my mind delved downward like a crisp drill, swimming through my inner cavities, searching for Tini like a scuba diver exploring the Atlantic. Raw hope pearled in my chest, thinking that if I reached the bottom she'd be there, smiling at me. Telling me it was all just a joke, and here she comes.

That fantasy crumbled faster than a sloth's dream to become an Olympic runner. I jabbed at the wall again, thinking the pain would keep me from falling apart completely. Tini. Please come.

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