107 | Daddy Rucker

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TWO. Two sponsors? I had two people out there that hated me that much?

Two? I couldn't think of one person that hated us that much, let alone two. I know.

Jookie pinched his cheeks, humor riding on his sparkling face. "Confused, my little peach?"

"You think?" I said, shaking my head. "Is it two different people or are they a group?"

"I'm not telling," he said on a laugh. "I'm supposed to be doing my job, right?" He turned to the camera. "Now back to Rucker and his sponsor." Jookie snapped his fingers, and a hundred-inch screen pushed out of one of the cement walls on the right.

On the screen, an older man sat a giant desk, his blocky body overpowering the office chair. Aging red hair streaked with white colored his scalp, as deep, jagged craters marred his skin. A cigar pocketed his two fingers, smoke curling out of his nostrils.  

"Hello, Rucker," the older man said, a deep Irish accent roping every word. "Never thought you'd see me, did you?" His voice dripped with disdain and smugness.

Rucker squinted his eyes, forehead wrinkling. "Uh, I'm supposed to know who you are....?"

"You killed my daughter." The unknown man crumbled the burning cigar in his hand like wet sand and guzzled down a glass of clear liquid.

"I killed a lot of people's daughters, so you gotta be more specific than that," Rucker said with a shrug.

Jookie snickered, hands clutching his naked tummy. "You know, I'm gonna miss you when you're dead. Just a little bit."

The older man turned bright red, looking like he was about to explode like a cartoon. "I'm Finn MacKenna."

Rucker looked at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Still not ringing a bell."

Finn let out a huge howl and tossed a bottle at the screen. The live feed went blurry, but he was still talking, audio still on. Most of it I couldn't understand, but I caught a few, "motherfuckers" and "let me at him" and "I'm gonna gut him" before the screen went black.

"Viewers, we're having technical difficulties at the moment, please give us a second," Jookie said into the camera.

"Do you really not remember killing his daughter?" I asked through the glass. 

"I've killed a lot of people," Rucker said without a care. "I don't remember them all. She must've not been that memorable."

The black screen flickered once and came back on with Finn panting, face still blotchy. He held up a picture of a gorgeous red-haired girl in a bikini on the beach.

"You killed her," Finn said through clenched teeth. "You killed my precious, Melina."

Rucker leaned forward, squinting at the picture. "Don't remember her. Did she have a clit piercing?"

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