122 | Pig Filth

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DEMO. Heavy sobs wracked her body as she trembled on the floor, holding a hand to her chest. Thick rivulets of redness poured from the various wounds on her body to the floor, pooling around her body like a disfigured snow angel.

Gmie wheeled over, trying to soothe the sad bleeding girl while turning her nose up at us. "Your trailer trash asses can leave our presence now. You can't kill us so disperse," she said, flickering her hand at us like we were annoying peasants.

"Seriously?" Yaz said, tucking her hand into her side. "You still really think you're better than us? Looking like ashy ass Momo?"

"I don't think anything," Gmie said, holding up her chin. "I know I'm better than you people. I could die right now, and my corpse would be better than all of you times ten. You're nothing. If we were on the outside, every single one of you would be kissing my ass and bowing down to me."

"Bowing down — who the fuck do you think you are?" Yaz folded her arms over her chest. "You're not royalty. You're not important. You're just another rich, spoiled heifer who will end up alone, drunk and bitter."

"At least I'll be rich," Gmie shot back. "Unlike you who will die homeless and poor. Your biggest accomplishment in life will be actually making your monthly food stamps last the month."

"And your biggest accomplishment will be not killing yourself when you realize no one on this earth wants you here," Yaz said, narrowing her eyes. "Your own parents didn't even love you, so why would anybody else? They probably sponsored your dumbass because they didn't want to see you anymore. Who wants to look at their biggest failure every day?"

Gmie jerked back, lips thinning. "You—"

"I'm not gonna go back and forth with you hoe," Yaz said, interrupting her. She snatched that weird blade from Khan's hand and bolted over to Gmie.

Eyes popping open, Gmie thrashed her hands out in front of her, trying to block Yaz from cutting her. But instead of trying to injure her, Yaz gripped Gmie's neat hair bun and severed it from her scalp in one slick motion.

"AH!" Gmie screamed while rubbing her jagged hair strands in frantic motions. Soft curly strands drifted down like a gentle snowfall, as she continued freaking out and touching her scalp. "Give it back you—"

"Sure." Yaz stuffed the thick hair down Gmie's mouth, using her fingers to push it deeper into her throat. "How's that?"

Eyes tearing, Gmie flailed around like a fish, coughing, trying to get the hair out.

"I can't hear you?" Yaz said, leaning down as Gmie coughed. "You want to go for a ride? Okay." Putting her heel on the front of the wheelchair seat, Yaz shoved it away with all her might.

Gmie let out a muffled yelp, as the wheelchair sailed down the hall, the wheels emitting a vulgar squeak against the wooden flooring. Arms flopping around like a crash test dummy, she tried to stop herself, but it was too late. The chair spun out of control and crashed into the hall end table, sending Gmie flying into a wall, head first.

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