105 | Kiss x Kiss

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Hey guys! I hope you all are doing okay and keeping safe! ❤️ I decided to release six chapters, and I hope you guys enjoy them! Wattpad's being very glitchy today, and I pulled an all-nighter so sorry for any grammatical errors or issues. Also, The Fiction Awards 2020 ( @thefictionawards ) nominations are open. If you're enjoying the story, please consider nominating BOTK :) I also did an interview with Hurricane Reviews ( @HurricaneBC )! Feel free to read if you want to learn more about me and BOTK. https://www.wattpad.com/868077145-hurricane-reviews-kozmokookiedxd-battle-of-the


JOOKIE. His smoldering violet irises watched me like a ravenous hunter looking for his next soft-bellied meal as we sat on the floor together, the tension thick like cold honey.

Thick smears of darkening blood caked the bottom half of his face like a dripping bandana, covering every inch of his ivory skin. Soft red droplets teetered on his chin, dropping onto his tattered shirt. His usual glossy hair was sticking up like a PMSing porcupine, going in every direction except down.

He looked like shit. Like horror movie victim shit. Like he fought horny hillbillies and lost shit. She really fucked him up. How the hell was I going to fix this? Could I even fix this?

I kept trying to think of something to say, but nothing seemed appropriate. So, I just clamped my lips shut, trying not to make the situation worse. Pleasantries were Betinia's forte.

What I really wanted to do was flip his ass off and laugh in his face, spit and all, and say, "I whooped your ass. You got your ass beat — by me. I win. You suck. Go choke on a dick. Byyye."

PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE don't say that. Apologize to him. Apologize?! After what he did to us? He deser — do you want Rucker to die? No, of course not. Then you have two options. Apologize. Or... suck his dick. WHAT!? He might be able to help us get some leniency from the producers/creators. So... Suck. His. Dick. Men will usually do anything after that. Or you could just try apologizing to him. How are those my only two choices?! Those are two extremes. There has to be a middle ground here. Sadly, there's not. If you choose the first option though, just warn me when you're about to do it, so I can disappear. I really don't — I'M NOT SUCKING JOOKIE'S DICK! He's looking at you like he wants you to do it, anyway.

I DON'T CARE IF HE WANTS ME TO DO IT. Then, I don't know what to do. Try apologizing and see how that goes. Will an apology even work? We just embarrassed him in front of all those viewers. Not to mention the creators. We also embarrassed ourselves too. You were talking out loud sometimes when you were talking to her. Shit, really? Tell me you're joking. Uh no, I'm not. People literally saw us talking and answering ourselves.  Everyone's going to think we're fucking crazy, and they're going to kick us out of the group —

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