94 | Split Personality & Scooby Snacks

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SOULMATES. Some people believed that there was a person out there that completed them. That made them feel whole and alive. I was starting to think that weapons were my soulmate.

Nothing made me feel more alive than a polished knife. Machetes made me horny — just thinking of that sharp edge and the damage it could do made me feel all tingly and warm.

And you know what was better than a weapon? Killing.

Just the thought of knowing that I would be torturing Gmie, that I would be the last person she saw before she took her last breath on earth made me feel like my body was on fire, a slow-burning sensation buzzing along my spine and tailbone, licking every inkling of my skin.

It felt fucking phenomenal like I was walking on cow udders or baby heads. But of course, someone had to ruin it, steal away my joy like a thief in a jewelry store.

"This is a bad idea," Sebastian said, jumping off the bottom bunk as I played with the pretty hunting knife in my hand, my fingers running along the intricately designed blade.

I leered at him, eyes hardening. "So, I'm not supposed to kill the bitches who tried to murder me multiple times, already?"

Sebastian stood a few feet away from me. "You're letting the game get to you." He shook his head, blonde strands falling around his ears. "It's changed you. You clearly haven't been yourself lately."

Rucker and I have been keeping our plan a secret from the rest of the team. We weren't sure how they'd react, but at the end of the day, we were a team, so we'd agreed to tell them before we actually did it.

I knew Yaz wouldn't care. No one could read Khan, but I didn't think he would fight us on it. Seb was a different story. But after he'd been avoiding me lately, I didn't think his punk ass would give a flying fuck, but of course, angel titties had to poke holes in my glorious plan.

"So what?" I cocked my head to the side. "I almost died. I think I have the right to fucking change. And, I'm sick of just waiting around and doing nothing while those two bitches plan my death. They've come after me time and time again. Now, it's my turn." My voice hardened on the last word, putting all my bloodlust and energy into every syllable.

You're slowly turning into mom.  No, I'm NOT. I'm clearly just trying to eliminate a problem. Gmie's gonna keep coming for us until we're dead. And Demo's gonna keep following her orders no matter what. That bitch could lose both her fucking legs, and she'd still crawl after us, trying to kill us if Gmie told her to. I don't know what Gmie did to her, but that bitch is pussy whipped with a capital P.

I know this already, and I get it. I get why you have to do it, and I'm actually for it, believe it or not. But I'm afraid of what's going to happen to you when you do it. What if you can't control yourself after and you turn into mom? Turn into the very thing you fear the most? That's why you created me, so you wouldn't have to do things like this — to take risks like this. What if you kill Gmie and Demo and just start killing everyone? Even your own team?

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