70 | Secrets Can Kill

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EYES. His eyes were usually so warm and toasty like they could melt marshmallows in ice water. Not now though. They resembled chips of glass as they stared down at that charm before looking up at me.

My words came out slow and crisp. "It means you killed your parents, right?"

"Yes." It came out casual and light. "I did."

A tiny part of me jerked back, trying to process what I just heard. Did he just confess? So easily? He didn't even deny it. Just said it.

It's always the level-headed ones that are the real killers. So calm and elegant.

I almost shivered until I thought of myself. I wore a level-headed, calm mask even though my mind danced with odd and sinister thoughts.

I didn't have the right to judge.

"I had the most self-explanatory clue." His eyes flickered away for a long moment before darting back, those glass chips slowly melting. "Everyone saw my clue on the first day and probably already put the pieces together by day two."

I didn't. I sort of glazed over his clue, not thinking too much of it.

"My secret was sort of public knowledge by now, so I had nothing to hide or kill for if Layla told everyone my secret."

Public knowledge? His secret wasn't public knowledge. The clue was very telling, but it gave no real details. No, how, what or why?

Because they made the clue so easy to understand, it made me think that his secret had to be bad.

Really bad, which caused me to become intrigued, a little too much.

We both stayed quiet for a minute or two before I said, "I think we can just cross each other off the suspect list."

He threw down the charm, picking up mine and Sebastian's clue, the king and the pawn. "We can't because both your secrets might be linked. Did you two know each other before coming here?"

"No, that's why I don't even know what my secret is."

He paused, eyes returning back to normal, head cocked. "You don't know your secret?"

My head quivered for a second. "I don't. If my secret involves him, someone I've never seen or met before, I have no idea what it could be."

"Unless your secrets aren't linked and this is just another way to confuse and mess with you?"

"Even by itself, I still don't know what my secret could be. A pawn? I was never a pawn to anyone." Unless it meant something, pertaining to my mother, but how was I her pawn? Because she still affected me? That wasn't much of a secret.

He stared at me. "It could mean that you are Sebastian's pawn."

"But I haven't done anything for him, and he hasn't tried to use me or anything. He's done more things for me, than I him." He saved my butt earlier without even blinking. "Everyone's secret seems to be about something in their past. Sebastian and I have no past."

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