93 | Trust, Twinkies & Three Weeks

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Author Note

Hey guys! I'm SO sorry for the long wait between chapters and for not answering comments :( I have a lot of family issues going on at the moment, but I mapped out the next several chapters, so updates will be coming out regularly again like every Friday/Saturday and I'm going to start answering comments tomorrow XD

Also, HOLY SHIT, GUYS! Battle of the Killers literally went from #700 in Horror to #2, and from 80k views to over 100k in like a month. Like WHAT? HUH? I really couldn't believe it. I literally cried for like an hour. You should've seen my boyfriend trying to calm me down haha :)

Thank you SO much, guys, for going on this journey with me and Betinia for the past two years. When I started this story, I never even thought it would get 1k views let alone 100k views, and it's all because of you guys, my amazingly awesome readers.

Thank you for always reading every chapter, following me and for commenting and making me laugh and voting and just loving my weird ideas and imagination. I hope I can continue entertaining you and making you proud in 2020. Love you all <3 And get ready, this next ARC is gonna be crazy as fuck :)


TRUST. A sacred bond that connected two people. That's the key to a happy life, right? WRONG!

I found the whole trust concept a bit funny because how could you really trust another person? You don't know what they're really thinking or what their true motives are.

Betinia kept screaming at me to trust my team. I couldn't. I liked them, sure. But people had to earn my trust, especially now with Layla's killer(s) still slinking around like a white wolf in a flock of swans.

You'd think after that little love nibble I left on their ankle that they'd be easy to find. WRONG!

I spent the last three weeks looking and still nada.

The first five days were literally just me healing in bed, but I was always waiting and watching — stalking my team like a broke horny virgin in a strip club.

Of course, all that spying backfired in my face like a fart in an elevator because Rucker swore he saw me checking out his booty while cooking and proceeded to have a "talk" with me about seeing me as only a sister and blah blah blah — I shut that shit down asap.

I'd rather have anal sex with the crypt keeper in the silence of the lamb's dirt pit with no lube than hook up with Rucker. Not because he was ugly or something, but because I only had brotherly and murderous thoughts toward him. 

Anyway, after that fiasco, he finally wore shorts the one day, and I got to cross him off. Yaz too. Not that I suspected either of them, anyway. Neither of them seemed like the pig fetish type. 

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