41 | Naked Bath Fight

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DEATH. The frighteningly bittersweet yet peaceful process that every living thing must endure.

No one could prove what happened after death. Did good people go to heaven and dance with the beautiful angels and see their deceased loved ones while sinners got tortured and ripped to pieces in hell?

Or do we get reborn or reincarnated as a tree or a roach or even another person? Or did nothing happen at all, and our lifeless corpses just decay in the ground or our ashes just sit in an urn decade after decade until someone finally throws them away or redeposits them back into Mother Nature?

I guessed that it all boiled down to your religious beliefs or whatever you wanted to believe. Believing in a heaven vs. hell afterlife didn't sit well with me because where would I fit?

That was why I feared death so much—because it reeked of uncertainty. If I got voted off and died, what happened next for me? That unknown question sent scorching shivers throughout my chest.

Two creaking bangs broke me from my thoughts, and I turned toward the sound. A horde of guards stomped toward me from the doorway, coming at me like bees trying to protect their queen.

One of the meatier guards with no neck reached me first, yanking me off the ground like a naughty puppy. He held me in the air for a sec, my feet dangling back and forth, water dripping from my body.

I clenched my teeth. "You don't gotta be so rough, asshole," I said once he dropped me like a sack of wheat, causing me to almost face-plant, but I caught myself in time, still stumbling because of my wet sneakers.

Meathead ignored my words, shoving me forward instead while the other guards surrounded us in a semi-circle, blocking me in from behind.

I caught myself again from falling and turned around to face the ugly brute. "Ah, now I know why your hands are so strong."

The ugly brute cocked his head, confused.

"You don't get fucked very often, so your hands have to keep you company at night. How sad." I pouted, blinking my eyes. "I'd give them a rest though. Carpal tunnel is a real bitch, you know?"

He responded by tossing me through the open doorway and straight into the darkened hallway. The deep shadows blinded me, and I stumbled into a wall, chin first. Fuck. That hurt.

Oh, he would pay for that one day.

A light clicked on seconds later, chasing away the darkness as I rubbed my chin, back against the wall. My eyes got blinded by the sudden bright assault, but they cleared within a minute.

"Oops...," The meaty guard said as he trudged through the doorway with the other guards behind him. He smirked at me, gripping my arm yet again.

I almost bit him, but Jookie materialized out of nowhere, pulling me from his hold.

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