30 | Eleven Little Killers

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TEN LITTLE SOLDIER BOYS. The first time I heard that nursery rhyme I had to be about four years old. Angie sang and hummed that rhyme for days around the house. I didn't quite understand the meaning of the rhyme or the words, but it was catchy, and I wanted to be like my big sister.

With my tiny hands, I begged her to teach it to me. I remembered singing it for hours all day, and I sang it at school too. The kids thought it was weird; one girl called it scary — I didn't think it was though. Every little soldier was like a friend.

Two little soldier boys sitting in the sun. One got frizzled up and then there was One. One little soldier boy left all alone. He went and hanged himself and then there were None.

I whispered that line, causing the girl next to me to start crying. And then, someone told our kindergarten teacher Ms. San Francisco who called my parents.

To make a long story short, Angie got grounded and didn't talk to me for weeks, and my parents told me to stop singing the rhyme — that it was bad. They never explained why, but I still obeyed.

So it surprised me when that rhyme popped into my head just now after so many years. But as I thought it over — while watching Jookie zoom around the large room, giggling like a little school girl on crack — that rhyme resembled my life at the moment. All of our lives in fact.

But instead of being little soldier boys, we were little killers.

Twelve little killers played a game; One got mutilated by his past, and then there were Eleven.

Eleven of us gaped at the rotating device that we were supposed to climb. Screeching buzzing noises hit the atmosphere before three circular saws spiraled down from the top layer, going all the way down to the bottom, cutting the cake into thirds for a second before reverting back to normal.

Those saws could cut a horse in half within a nanosecond. Imagine what it could do to us. Jookie said we would be fighting for our lives, but this? How did we stand a chance against something like giant saws? Quick icy throbs jetted through my fingers as my heart thrashed in my chest.

Eleven Little Killers.

No song captured this moment better. Each of us would die until there were only a few remaining. Maybe we wouldn't all die now, but soon. That's what it felt like.

Uncontrolled laughs left my lips, getting louder and squeakier by the second. Have you ever been so frightened and confused by something that all you could do was laugh? That was me. All eyes turned to me, and that just made me laugh even harder as intense pain shifted through my body like a roaring tsunami.

"God, she's a fucking weirdo," Gmie said, side-eyeing me. "Someone shut her up."

The laughing wouldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried.

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