Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x R...

By carlyandcarson33

1.2M 55.1K 67.8K

The perfect princess, soon to be the perfect ruler. It is your duty to find a husband and be a good queen. Y... More

1 | For the Kingdom
2 | A Good Queen
3 | Let the Party Begin
4 | Not Again
5 | Nightmare
6 | Goodbye
7 | Smile and Nod
8 | Closer
9 | The Past
10 | The Plan
11 | Playing Pretend
12 | The Royal Line Retold
13 | They Would Do Anything
14 | Purple is for Royals
15 | I'm not Pretending
16 | Ashes
17 | Warmth
18 | The City of Ash
19 | Done.
20 | Dangerous
20.5 | Not Alone (2k reads special)
21 | Please
22 | Pieces of a Bigger Puzzle
23 | Relax
24 | Change
25 | Allies
26 | Something to Him
27 | Explanations and Complications
28 | Awakened
29 | Tears
29.5 | Fears
30 | Questions
31 | Poison
32 | Denial
33 | Regret
34 | Betrayed
35 | Safe
36.5 | Angel
Q&A and Poll
37 | Try or Die
38 | Proposal
39 | I'm Fine
40 | Save Me
41 | An Order
sneak peek + things
42 | Control
43 | Useless
43.5 | Relatives
44 | One Week Later
45 | Diary
46 | Memories
47 | Smile
48 | Not So Quirkless
a quick thank you
48.5 | The Prince's Question
49 | Fake Love & Forced Smiles
49.5 | Kill My Family
◆ Character Profiles ◆
50 | Secrets
51 | Scandalous
51.5 | One by One
52 | A Single Bean
53 | Temper
53.5 | Go Down in Flames
Ethereal's first fanart <3
54 | Blue Flames
54.5 | Together
55 | Watch it Burn
55.5 | Escape
56 | Help
56.5 | Advisors
57 | Life by Lightning
57.5 | Justice
Author's Note
Part 2 Preview | Requiem
The Blind King
Entry 1
The Beginning of the End
Entry 2
Trust Yourself
Entry 3
Not a Goodbye
Entry 4
Still With You
Entry 5
What if
The Future
I Want It
Entry 6
A Final Goodbye
Good News
Spread the News
Plus Ultra
Not Again
Not Today
The Dead King's Heir
A Coward's Son
An Arrogant Prince
5 days later (200k reads special)
The Reveal
Just a Queen
For the Future
5 years later
I Love You
Author's Note
Many Years Ago (16k votes special)

36 | Leap

10.7K 511 424
By carlyandcarson33

Hitoka is sitting on the floor, crying. 

Her face is streaked in tears, red and blotchy, very similar to yours. 

Your heart is beating out of your chest. Shoto's out there, fighting, and one of the people that caused all this is crying? 

You're angry; that's an understatement. Your rage grips you, taking control of your actions, ignoring the fact that you once knew this person; thought you knew her.

You storm towards her, no longer crying, with, for once, no plan at all. 

All you know is your anger, and the desire to act upon it.

But you stop. 

Hitoka's gripping a hand in hers, a hand as ashen gray as the smoke filling the corridor. But you pay no mind to the smell, instead your eyes land on a body.


Her body is gray, ashen, lifeless.

Her outfit is ripped, doused in blood, and there's a heart carved on her left cheek. Carved.

"Oh god," you whisper. 

Hitoka just sobs harder. 

"Th-then who's. . . ?" 

You stutter.

". . .who's outside fighting Shoto?"

You run away, through the halls, leaving Hitoka and the dead maid behind. 

"Guards!" You scream, "Guards! Anyone!"

The door to the throne room.

You bang on it, crying out for help. It creaks open, and a head pops out.

"Takahashi!" you sob, "Help him! Shoto is outside! It's not Mayra!"

"What?" Takahashi looks confused, but follows you anyway. You can hear murmurs from the room as he leaves, not looking back.

You run, Takahashi behind you, weapon in hand. He's holding his sword, hand on the hilt. Since his quirk isn't really meant for fighting, he has to use it more often than other guards.

Mayra's body flashes in your mind. Why was Hitoka there? Did she kill. . . ?

You're so confused, but the only thing that matters right now is making sure Shoto is safe. 

"There!" Takahashi says from behind you.

Shoto stands in the middle of the courtyard, alone. You sigh in relief seeing he's okay.

You run up to hug him, but before you're close enough, he frowns, clutching his stomach.

"She's gone?"

As you get closer you can see darkness spreading across his clothes; he looks down in disbelief. Blood.


Then he falls to the ground.

"Please! He has to be okay!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down," the doctor says, blocking the door to Shoto's room. "Rest and fresh air would be the best thing for him right now."

"There has to be someone with a healing quirk or something!" You plead. 

"Princess," Takahashi says, placing a hand on your shoulder, "let's go."

He leads you to your room, leaving and closing the door. Little does he know, that was the worst choice to make.

You open the large window, looking out at the trees you could easily climb to. You remember the window in Shoto's room. 

You change out of your heavy gown, slipping on a light dinner dress, and ready yourself at the edge of the open window. 

You take a deep breath, then leap to the strongest looking branch. You wrap your body around it, hanging on for dear life. You stand up, the wood scratching your bare feet. 

You eye the tree next to Shoto's window. It's not too far away; you don't doubt you can make it.

The cold wind pricks your skin, goosebumps rising from the thrill and the freezing air. Just one more leap, and you can see Shoto.

And make sure he's okay.

You brace yourself, then jump to the next branch. 

Shoto's window is close enough so can step on the edge below it, and you're surprised to see it's already open. 

You step in, the sight of Shoto in his bed all bandaged making your eyes tear up. 

"Shoto," you whisper, standing at the foot of his bed. 

His eyes are closed, and you think he's asleep. You're about to leave when he opens his eyes and smiles.

"Oh, god, Shoto," you whisper, a sob creeping into your voice. You sit on the edge of his bed, gently taking his hand in yours. It's not as warm as it usually is.

"Hello, my love," he says, looking at you solemnly, "have you gotten another headache? Do you need a hug?"

"No, no," you reply softly, "I just wanted to see you."

He's so pale; it looks like he's draining his energy by just talking to you. Maybe you should leave.

As you stand, you get an idea. 

Your quirk wasn't useful during the fight, but. . .

. . .could it help him?

"Shoto," you say, hope in your heart and a plan in your head, "I'll be back, okay? You'll be fine, I promise."

You get up, determined. You leave through the door to his room, closing it behind you. The doctor stares at you, baffled.

"H-how did you. . .?" He stutters, "And what are you wearing. . . ?"

You blush, ignoring him and heading straight for Takahashi. 

The palace floor is cold on your bare feet, and you get strange glances from the palace staff, but you continue on.

"Takahashi!" You call him over.

He looks you up and down, suppressing a laugh. "Princess?"

"I need you to come with me."

"Pfft, okay."

You grab his hand and drag him back to the doctor. "Your Highness. . .?" He asks.

"Do you know anything about quirks?" You ask the man.

"Well," he says, "I have a degree in--"

"Great," you say, "do you think there's anyway  could heal Shoto?"


Everyone looks at you. They must think you're crazy; your appearance and what you're saying? 

"My quirk, Charge," You explain, "I can take energy, mass amounts, so what if I can give--"

"Your Highness!" The doctor interrupts, "That would be incredibly dangerous."

"For me or Shoto?" You ask.

"Yourself, naturally. If it failed? I can't think of. . ."

Everyone's speechless. "Please," you beg, "I think I can help."

"Take no offense, your Highness, but how do you know it would work?" The doctor asks.

You blush. "Well, wh-when we, uhm, kiss. . .it's like his quirk reacts to mine. He's more. . ."

You stop, realizing how ludicrous it must sound. 

"Wait," Takahashi says, "doesn't your quirk work better through lip contact or something?"


"I think it's worth a shot," Takahashi defends you. "Let her try."

"But if it fails," the doctor says, pushing up his glasses, "His Highness could die."


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