13 | They Would Do Anything

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"The villagers await the arrival of their future queen."

You step out of the carriage, Shoto helping you down, and look around at the Market. People are everywhere, shouting and clapping. Stands fill the town square, selling varieties of items, including food, jewelry, and trinkets.

Your eyes glimmer at the sight of the happy people. Children chase each other, giggling and shouting. A stand owner shows off her jewelry to a couple, making them smile. 

Everyone's so happy.

"Your Highness?" Takahashi says.

"O-oh, yes?"

"Let's go to the middle of the square. The villagers are expecting you," Takahashi smiles.

You follow him and Shoto to the middle of the market, and onto a small stage-like structure. King Endeavor holds his hand up, and the chatter stops. A woman hushes her crying baby, and the children stop and frown at the sight of the king.

He gestures for you to come forward, so you step in front of him, Shoto at your side. Shoto gently takes your hand, making the crowd clap and cheer at the sight. 

"My people," he says, loud, but not quite as loud as his father, "I am glad to introduce my fiancee, the Princess of the Mizuki Kingdom."

The people rejoice, although you don't see why. 

The King takes over, his booming voice filling the village. "Now, on with the festivities," he says, as if he doesn't want the villagers to praise you. The people do as told, and rush to stands and their friends to mingle.

The sight makes you smile, but then you remember.

"Shoto," you whisper to him, "why are they so happy about me being your fiancee? I was sure they would hate me because of our kingdoms' rivalry."

He looks at you. "Well, that would be true, but our marriage means I'm one step closer to becoming king. They would do anything to escape my father's grasp, so they are very excited. They're never usually this happy."

You nod and fumble with your hands. How unsettling. '...They would do anything'.

Shoto clears his throat, probably sensing your uneasiness. "You may look around, if you'd like." 

You smile, glad to change the subject. "Why, yes, that would be nice. Let's go, then."

You take his hand, trying not to think about the way his face shone pink when you did. Takahashi trails behind.

You both explore the stalls: the endless food, trinkets, and jewelry, when a certain stand catches your eye. 

A plain-looking boy seems to be selling what looks like little wooden figures. Upon closer inspection, you realize they're of the royals. Shoto seems intrigued. 

"O-oh uh, Your Highnesses!" He squeaks, "Do you see anything you l-like?"

You smile at the green-haired boy and pick up a small wooden figure of your father. The details are perfect, even capturing his large, carefree smile. 

"How much?" You ask politely, holding the figure out to him. 

"Oh, that's King Mizuki!" He smiles, "I made these myself. T-They're only five dollariums."

"Nonsense," you scoff, "This is great work. Spitting image of my father. I'll give you thirty."

"T-th-th-thirty?!" He stutters, "Your Highness, that's so much for a small trinket."

"But it's a handmade trinket," you say, smiling, "One that you no doubt worked very hard on. And plus, were else would I find such a rarity? It can comfort me while I'm away from home."

Shoto starts to bring out his bag of money, and you notice he's holding a figure also. 

"B-but princess-" The boy continues to argue.

"Stop," you say, "Take the dollariums, and be happy. It's an order from your future queen."

The boy blushes and stops as told.

"Shoto," you ask, "which one did you pick?"

He hands the boy sixty dollariums, covering both of your figures, then turns to you. He holds out a wooden figure you recognize as his mother, the early queen, Rei. You smile.

"She's beautiful," you say, then turn to the boy, "What's your name, sir?"

"Y-you can just call me Izuku, Your Highness. Izuku Midoriya," he blushes. "Thank you for your purchase."

You bid farewell to Izuku, then continue to browse the stalls with Shoto and Takahashi, greeting as many villagers as you can. Finally, you've gone full circle, and sit near Izuku's stall to rest. 

"It's been quite a day," Shoto says to you, "How do you feel?"

"You act as if I am sick," you giggle, then continue, "I feel great. Like I actually did something, even though I just socialized with the people."

Shoto smiles, the same one he makes when you hold his hand. "You did well. You will be a great queen."

Your heart drops. "Shoto, don't lose sight of our mission. I...I don't want to be queen here. You know that."

He looks like you just shot him, and you suddenly regret saying anything.

You remember the night you spent in his room, talking about how to dethrone the kings. You told him how you wanted to rule your own kingdom, and how he should be able to rule his without any chains or restrictions. 

'The plan' hasn't been set in motion, and you wonder if it ever will. Maybe you don't want it to. 


...you want to stay with Shoto.

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