37 | Try or Die

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"It could kill him," the doctor explains, "think about it: what if your quirk doesn't work the way you think it does? What if, instead of giving him your energy, you take what little he has left?"

"He'd die."

You stand there, absorbing the doctor's words. "What happens if I don't do anything? How long will it take him to heal?" You ask, your voice shaking.

"He was stabbed in the abdomen," the doctor starts, "now, normally this wouldn't be a fatal wound, since we have him all patched up and have stopped the bleeding."

Your heart drops. "What do you mean 'normally'?"

"There's something else going on," he sighs, "like something is. . .I can't explain it. I think there was someone else there at the fight and they used their quirk on his Highness. He's. . ."

"He's dying?"

Your words echo throughout the hall, and the silence is unbearable. It only confirms your question. 

"Then we have to do something!" You snap, "I can't just sit here and let him. . . ! I-I can't let h-him. . ."

"I can't let him die," you say, your voice a whisper now. "Does the king know? Why hasn't he called someone? A healer? Surely--"

"You're the first to know, your Highness," the doctor admits, looking away from you, "His Majesty doesn't have a clue."

"Has he gotten any better himself?" You ask, your brain working too fast to let his words sink in.

"His Majesty has been getting better," he smiles, "less nightmares, at least."

"God," you mutter, running your hands through your already messy hair, "I just. . .damnit."

Takahashi places a hand on your shoulder. "I don't know if. . .if this is the right thing to say right now, but, well, what do we have to lose?"


"W-well, just think about it," the guard starts to explain, "if we let him be, and try our best to help him, he'll d-die anyways, right?"

"Perhaps," the doctor sighs, catching on to Takahashi's plan.

"But if we try," he says, his voice growing stronger, "then we have a chance, at least. There's always a chance, right?"

"I guess there's no harm in that logic," the doctor says. "But what if something happens to the princess?"

"I'll take that chance," you interrupt, "as long as I can help him. I have to."

"He dies or he lives," the doctor says, "I'm not to blame. But for his sake, I sincerely hope it's the latter. And for your sake, princess," he sighs, "I hope this will not backfire."

"You may enter."

You push open the door, your heartbeat reflecting your state of mind.

Erractic, crazy.


You have to help him, even if it means giving up yourself. Your energy. 

You remember your last kiss, how it felt like giving, losing, getting, all at once.

You eye Shoto, who's sound asleep on his bed, bandages and all. You sit on the edge, carefully taking his hand in yours. 

It's cold, even on his right side. 

Should you wake him? Would he even want you to do this?

No, he would protest. Try to stop you. So you don't wake him, instead leaning down and gently pressing your lips to his.

They're cold, too.

You kiss him. 

But nothing's happening.

You don't feel your quirk ignite, you don't feel the heat you usually do.

It's not working.

You pull away, your tears sliding down your cheeks. "It has to work."

They fall from your face and onto Shoto's. You wipe his cheeks carefully with your thumb.

He wakes up, a question in his eyes, but they soften at the sight of you. 

"Hello," he murmurs, squeezing your hand in his. "My angel."

You smile at the new nickname, wiping your tears. Does he know that he's fading? That there's something wrong?

"Hey, Shoto," you whisper, "I have a question, but you don't have to answer, okay?"

He nods.

"Okay," you say, taking a breath, "was there anyone else at the courtyard that day? With Mayra?"

You don't mention the fact that it wasn't Mayra; it couldn't have been. Mayra's dead.

"The maid?"

You nod. "Yes."

"Ah, she seemed different somehow," Shoto murmurs, "not to mention the Duke--"

"The Duke?"  You say, standing up.

"Duke Callahan said something to me, he looked sad. Then there was a flash and you came. And then ow."

"I'll be back," you promise your fiancé, his words sinking in, "I have to go, but I'll be back."

You take one last glance at Shoto then leave the room, heading for Takahashi.

"We didn't catch Hitoka or," you pause, Mayra's death still fresh in your mind, "the other person. Who ever that was, right?"

"Unfortunately," the guard sighs.

"How many people died?" You ask.

Takahashi's eyes look hollow. "We lost three guards. They're missing; we haven't found their bodies. The Duke's body is also missing. They're all presumed dead, but we did find Mayra--"

"The Duke," you growl, "Shoto said the Duke was there. At the fight."


"I need to talk to the king," you say, "It's really important."

"I'll lead the way, but be careful, he's still. . ."

". . .delirious."


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