22 | Pieces of a Bigger Puzzle

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Izuku flinches at the prince's words and hesitantly stands beside you.

"What does it matter? We are here to discuss the burning of Moyasu. Please calm down, your Highness," you ask Bakugou, starting to get very irritated. He just doesn't know when to shut up.

"I refuse to reveal my kingdom's past to a commoner; much less one from this kingdom," Bakugou hisses, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. His gaurd sighs, as if used to his immaturity. 

This kingdom? What's that supposed to mean?

"Prince Katsuki, this is your last chance," you say quietly, sneaking a hint of anger in your voice, "please refrain from speaking so ill of my kingdom."

"Ha! You think I'm scared of you? People are saying that you're quirkless, ya know. That the heir married some quirkless, tedious princess to save his own skin," The prince smirks, then starts to stand up, "I'm not stupid. Either that commoner leaves, or I do."

Okay, this is getting annoying.

"Fine then," you smile, "Izuku, please step forward."

He mumbles something nervously, then does as he's told, taking one step closer to you. 

Bakugou smiles. "Yeah, get 'em outta here."


Izuku gets down on one knee, looking as confused as everyone else in the room. 

"Izuku Midoriya of what was formerly known as Moyasu, I dub thee Sir Knight, for loyalty and kindness to the kingdom."

"What? That's not how-!"

"Sir Izuku, please rise." You cut off Bakugou's exclamation, then turn to him. "What's wrong, your Highness? There are no commoners in this room anymore. Only me, you, my fiancé, Sir Izuku here, and our guards."

Bakugou sits, grumbling unintelligible nonsense. You smile.

"Now please, tell us of Moyasu before transferred to our rule," you ask politely, pulling out a chair for Izuku. 

You notice his eyes are teary, and he looks uncertain. You give him a reassuring smile.

Bakugou clears his throat. "As you know, the alliance a few years ago shifted Moyasu and Kizuato over to King Todoroki's rule, for a reasonable price of course."

"Yes? But why did you sell them to us?"

"Gangs were overwhelming both of the villages, and we needed the money."

"So...you weren't scared of being overthrown?" You smirk.

"What? Of course not! We just sold them separately to get more money!"

"But first you wanted to separate the gangs, surely?" You ask, knowing you're right.

"Whatever," Bakugou huffs.

"Can you name some of the gangs? Describe them?" Shoto asks, surprising you. Bakugou glares at him.

"Yeah, yeah. The leader gang or whatever was called the League of...something. I don't remember exactly, but I do remember their leader. He had a bunch of hands. Real creepy guy, and his sidekick, too. Scars everywhere, kinda gross looking. Makes me cringe just thinkin' about it."

"Thank you, actually, that's very helpful," you say, turning and smiling at Shoto, "You are dismissed."

"What? You think I wasn't gonna help?" Bakugou growls. 

"Nobody said that, Katsuki. Please go join your mother. Refreshments as well as gifts will be offered as a thank you," you say, pleased with the information you gathered.

"You think refreshments are gonna-?" Bakugou starts, then his guard grabs him by the collar and drags him out of the room, the prince protesting the whole time.

You turn to Izuku, mind spinning. "Your figures. Tell me how you make them."

He blushes. "W-well, they're nothing special, really. I go to the Toshinori Kingdom for the wood, then I just...carve."

"Is there something special about the wood?"

"Not really? It's called Maki, and I only use it because it's easy to carve," he says, then reaches into his pocket, "Plus, the wood is very pretty. For some reason I've been getting a lot of sales recently."

In his hand is a figure of his, perfectly carved to your likeness. He even included a little crown. 

"I like this one a lot, too," he smiles, "it was hard to make, but it was worth it. I thought his Highness might like it?"

Izuku hands the figure to Shoto, and you can't ignore the blush that dusts the prince's cheeks. He takes it happily, then whispers a thank you.

"Well, Sir Izuku, thank you very much for the information."

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you more. And wait, why did you kn-knight me again?"

"Because," you explain, "I can tell you're a very hard-working person. I would like you and your family to move closer to the palace. I believe you are essential to our catching the culprit."

"Th-thank you so much," he says, wiping his eyes, "I really thank explain how much this will change my life. I just..."

"I understand. I will see you as soon as you are ready to move, and really, you deserve it," you say, as sincerely as you can manage. You've really grown attached to the guy.

He hurries out of the room, wiping his eyes along the way. He probably didn't want you to see him crying.

You smile.

Takahashi comes up to you, urgency filling his eyes. "Princess, I have a request. I hope it won't be much trouble."

You nod. "Yes?"

"You see, when I was in the dungeon, I met someone who had been stuck there since before the downfall of Moyasu. I feel she deserves to be released?"

"Bring her to me," you say, winking to the guard. You trust him with your life, so whomever he trusts, you trust.

While he leaves to retrieve who you assume to be a girl, you turn to Shoto, not able to contain your smile.

"We did it!" you squeal, "I finally have a lead! The gangs, Shoto! They must've been angry when they were split up!"

Shoto smiles. "That's what I was thinking, although you probably figured it out before me."

"Oh, stop."

"No, seriously. I'm really glad you're with our kingdom," Shoto says softly, rubbing the back of his head.

You want to hug him again, to feel him against you. Is that weird? That's not weird; you're getting married soooooo...

So you hug him. 

"Thank you," you whisper, "But we're doing this together. We'll piece together this crazy puzzle, and I wouldn't be able to do it without you."

He just squeezes you back, and you take it as returned affection.

We'll piece together this puzzle. 

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang