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Part 2: Chapter 14 ◆


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Your Majesty? Going to the docks?" Shizukana mumbles. "You're pregnant."

"I have you," you smile, "and plus, I can defend myself. Dr. Aiya's lessons paid off."

"Wait, really?" Your guard tilts his head.

"I like to think so. I can control my power now, somewhat. I just . . . don't know how to not kill someone."

Shizukana sighs, shaking his head. 

"But I don't think it'll come to that," you assure him.

Shoto turns around, putting a hand on your shoulder. "I'll protect her, too," he says, "so you don't have to worry."

Shizukana bows. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Shoto takes your hand. "Be careful, okay?"

You grin. "Okay."

You hold Shoto's hand as you walk down to the docks. You're still not sure why they would request the king, and you're equally confused at why Shoto would accept. Still, you don't have the details, so you stay quiet.

A man with a beard down to his knees is shouting at another, younger looking one with a bloody nose. A crowd has gathered, whispering and pointing at the commotion. 

Trading troubles? You think, this looks more like a fight in the streets.

All is quiet when King Todoroki pushes through the crowd, royal guards following him. You stand by his side, looking the men up and down. 

They're both sailors, you can tell. Tasked with the job of trading with other kingdoms across the seas. The bearded one looking more experienced, while the other looks like a new captain. 

"What's the problem?" Shoto says, nodding to the guards next to him. They approach the two sailors, and you can see both of them tense up.

The bearded one scowls. "This bastard's been feedin' the pirates! He's sending out ships just to taunt us all."

The other captain ignores him, bowing. "Your Majesty, thank you for coming, although I don't think it was necessary." He shoots a glare at the other captain before turning back to the king. "I am Sasashi, captain of The Unbound."

Sasashi wipes the blood off of his face, waving a hand at the other sailor. "This here is Malliard, captain of the infamous Liberty."

"I can introduce myself, thank you sir," Malliard says, spitting on the ground.

"Well," Sasashi, "I had thought foreigners like you would be more civil. Guess I overestimated the lands overseas."

"Why, you little—"

A guard steps between the two as Shoto watches them bicker, trying to pick apart the situation. He holds up a hand, and both of the sailors snap their heads to him.

"What's this about pirates?" The king asks. 

Sasashi bows. "Your Majesty, the pirates have become more confident lately, interrupting our trading routes and sinking our ships. You see, I can't do my job if there's no job to do."

Shoto nods. 

"So," Sasashi continues, "I was—"

"He's sending more ships their way to give 'em more supplies!" Malliard shouts, "we can't trade if we've got nothin' to trade with!"

Sasashi shoots a glare his way, but then clears his throat. "I was sending them bombs."

Your eyes widen, and you look at Shoto, who's brows are furrowed. "Why?"

"It's like a rat trap," Sasashi explains, his stare suddenly becoming sinister, "bait them with cheese, then . . . "

He brings his hands up, imitating an explosion.

" . . . boom."

The captain smiles, but you grimace. "So you're killing the pirates so they'll stop stealing our trade?"

He grins. "Bingo."

Malliard scowls. "You see what I mean, Your Majesty? He's killin' people and just makin' the pirates more angry! They're just gonna get worse at this point!"

King Todoroki scowls at both of the men, one with a bloody nose and the other surrounded by guards. "Sasashi," he says, "that's murder. We all know that the pirates harbor innocents."

"Oh?" Sasashi scowls, "So you're taking his side, then? What a king. They're killing my men and stealing the kingdom's trade, but you won't allow me to take them out?"

Shoto nods. 

"You're just like your father," Sasashi growls, before turning to the boats and walking off.

Shoto freezes, and you clutch his arm. "Hey," you whisper, "you did the right thing. Pirates always take in orphans in hope of recruiting them, and we can't kill children. We can't."

"I'm no king if I have to murder others to claim my title," Shoto whispers. "That's not . . . I won't do it."

"I'm glad."

Shoto turns to his guards, sighing. "Remove all of the bombs from Sasashi's decoy ships. I don't want him blowing up the pirates any more."

They nod and walk to the docks.

Malliard stands to the side, silent. "Thank you, Your Majesty. It'll only make the bastard pirates get more angry if we blow 'em up."

Shoto nods. "I know."

"They 'ave been gettin' more powerful, though," Malliard adds, "They've gotten a new captain, seems like. She's a crazy one, the pink virago. She tried to take my men with that quirk of 'ers. They've even got some one-armed buccaneer, whose a master with that sword of his . . . "

"Excuse me," you say, "were you, perhaps, a pirate yourself?"

You can tell by the way he talks, and the scars on his face suggest lots of sword combat.

"Ah," Malliard smiles, "you've got me. I can't help but empathize with 'em sometimes. It's a rough lifestyle."

You nod.

"I apologize for causin' such a ruckus, Your Majesties," Malliard bows, "that captain was just doin' us no good, and he didn't seem scared of no one but you royals."

You smile. Maybe this guy isn't as bad as he seemed.

"So," you say to Shoto, "pirates?"

"I didn't know they were even a problem," your husband admits, "but I suppose they can get annoying. I can't believe he was blowing them up, though. Who knows how many he killed."

"Yeah," you mutter, "I hate people like Sasashi. Arrogant and entitled."

Shoto laughs. "I'm glad it wasn't too serious, though. We should probably do something about the pirates."

"What if," you grin, "we went undercover?"

"Dear," Shoto shakes his head, "you're pregnant. No secret missions."

"But," you say turning to your personal guard, "Shizukana isn't."

"What?" He blinks. "I'm—?"

"Say, Shizukana, you ever thought of becoming a pirate?"

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora