5 days later (200k reads special)

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[Note: chapter contains spicy scenes. You guys asked for it. Skip if you'd like. Thanks for more than 200,000 reads!!]

again, nothing explicit. enjoy?

Part 2: Chapter 24 ◆

5 days later

"I'll erase that memory from your mind,"  Shoto says, his voice raspy in your ear, "You'll forget all about the faker. Whenever you think of our bedroom, your mind will lock onto me."

After you woke up, you were scared. You didn't know who was who, and once Shoto found out about Toga pretending to be him and hurting you, well . . . let's just say he was angry. Now, he insists that you'll forget. 

You'll forget all about Toga attacking you in your husband's body, because now, you have the real thing.

"Shoto," you whisper, pushing him back gently, "I just . . . "

He looks down at you, hands on your hips. His eyes are sad. "You don't want me?"

You blush, looking away from him. "Sho . . . of course I—"

He interrupts your sentence with a soft kiss, leaving you breathless from his touch. He smiles at you, placing his forehead to yours.

"I want to remind you how much I love you," he purrs.

You suck in a breath as Shoto's warm hands snake up your skin, his head resting in the nook of your shoulder. His hot breath spreads across your neck as his fingers play with the hem of your nightdress.

Slipping it off of you, Shoto sets you on the bed. Your heart pounds in your ears and your breathing speeds up at the sight of him taking off his own shirt.

He notices your blush, throwing his shirt to the floor. "Not yet, My Love."

You lay there, defenseless and naked. 

Crawling over you, he inspects your body; your bruises, your scrapes, your growing belly. Slowly tracing the curve of your hip, he stares at where Toga cut your collarbone.

"She did this to you?" He mutters.

You nod.

Since the cut wasn't deep, it's healed now, leaving a thin scar where you bled. Shoto brings his lips to the scar, outlining it with kisses. You whimper below him, squirming at his touch.

Once he seems satisfied, he leans up, looking you in the eyes. "What else did she do to you?"

You turn your head, your whole body warm. He places a hand on your cheek, turning your eyes back to his. "Tell me," he whispers, his voice demanding.

"Sh-she kicked me in the back," you mutter, "and I knocked her down."

Shoto furrows his brows in worry. He hugs your naked body, skin against skin. Rubbing your back slowly, he huffs softly in your ear. 

"What else happened?" He breathes. "I told you I'll  make you forget."

"We kissed." You admit, sucking in a breath when he moves his hand to your rear. 

"You kissed her?" 

You nod.

He kisses you hard, and you don't get a chance to apologize, or even explain. 

His lips move with yours, taking over the kiss and making you sigh. He's warm and cold, and so, so familiar. He's not everything you dreamed of; he's everything you didn't know you desired.

Shoto runs his hands through your hair, pulling away to look at you. You huff softly.

"Tell me," he asks, his voice rough, "do I taste the same as that imposter did? Did she kiss you like I do?"

You don't answer, instead putting your hands on the hem of his pants. You look at him through your lashes.

"I love you, Shoto," you tell him, "I love our unborn child. I love what we have. I love your kisses."

He blushes, his hair falling in front of his eyes as he listens intently. 

"I love how you make me feel," you mutter, "I love everything about you."

"I love you too."

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now