35 | Safe

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"They're gone."

A voice beckons you out of the darkness, and your eyes feel like they've been dilated. The lights feel ten times brighter.

It's been an hour since you heard Hitoka and Mayra outside you and Shoto's hiding place. 

They weren't caught. They're gone.

You clutch Shoto's hand, looking at the guard in front of you. He seems fairly unharmed, not including the large slash across his cheek.

"What happened?" You gasp, wanting to cry again. 

"She was so fast. It was crazy," the guard sighs, "we couldn't catch her. There's a search party outside the castle, but we think it's safe now, so I was sent to get you."

You have tons of questions, but you'll save them for Commander Aizawa.

"Thank you," you say, smiling at him. 

"Please follow me to the throne room, your Highnesses," the guard says, leading the way, "His Majesty is there, along with the Commander."

"I just want to say thank you, again," you sigh, "This is all just so crazy. I'm glad you're brave enough to-"


The sound of ripping flesh, of a life leaving the world.

Blood. So much blood, and the guard's body is gone, snatched away from where he was slain. A sob rips from your throat and you fall to the ground, letting go of Shoto's hand.

You're shaking again, the suddenness of the attack spiking your senses. 

Mayra's laugh, echoing through the hall, makes your blood boil. 

The other part of you wants to curl up and cry.

Shoto grabs you, picking you up and setting you on your feet. You clutch his hand and run alongside him, your dress dragging across the ground. 

"The throne room," Shoto huffs, breath shallow from running.

"We can't lead her there!" You say, tugging him back.

"I know," he says, looking you in the eye, "just trust me."

You look back once more, then at Shoto.

"I trust you."

You both run down the corridor, hand in hand, and you try not to think about how easily the guard lost his life. 

The throne room is straight ahead, you think, what is Shoto doing?

You can hear Mayra giggling, and you shiver. You know she's chasing you.

Suddenly, Shoto turns the corner, taking you with him. He opens a door, revealing the empty courtyard. 


"Shh," he whispers, crouching behind a bush with you, "hold on, just stay here."

Your heart drops.

"Shoto, don't--!"

Mayra enters the clearing, her maid uniform shredded and torn. She clutches a strange device in her hand, connecting to a tube that leads around her neck.

"Ah, there you are, your Highness," she coos, tauntingly bowing, "where's the princess, hm? You don't seem like the type to just leave her."

Shoto is quiet, and you can see his eyes darting around the clearing, searching for. . .something. 

Mayra lunges at him, a devilish smile on her face, swiping at your fiancé as he dodges her. 

You consider using your quirk, but that'd be too dangerous, since you can't control it. Nothing else would be worse than hurting Shoto in the process.

You want to help, to jump out and fight, too, but your dress and lack of skills would just be a liability to Shoto. You silently curse your father for not preparing you for something like this, but that gives you an idea. 

Someone else did prepare you for something like this. The flashback hits you like a hurricane.

"I can't protect you since you're leaving," Hiro says, his hands on his hips, "so it's time for you to learn how to outsmart the enemy."

"Enemy?" You scoff, "I'm getting married, Hiro, not going into war."

"Men can be ten times worse during marriage than war." He smirks. 

You smile upon the memory, a plan forming in your mind.

"Your greatest weapon. . . is you."

Hiro's advice repeats in your head.

Mayra already seems to look down on you for being a meek princess; not to mention the fact she poisoned you with no trouble. She probably thinks you're hiding out somewhere far away from the fight.

But she knows Shoto's power, so she'll be careful around him.

You turn your head to the fight, your heart pounding faster and faster. 

Shoto's losing.

Why isn't he using his quirk? Is he scared? But of what?

You think about what you're reason for not fighting was. What if you hurt him?

Is he scared of hurting you?

Even not fighting, you're still a liability.

You clench your fists. This might be a stupid choice, maybe the dumbest thing you've done in a while, but it will give him a better chance.

And possibly get you killed.

But it's worth it.

"Shoto!" You shout, standing up, "It's your power! Use it!"

Mayra whips her head around, but she's not fast enough. Shoto douses the area in flame, smoke hiding your location. You jump out of the bush, your dress ripping on the branches, and run inside the palace, not looking back at the fighting taking place in the courtyard.

Mayra may be strong, but Shoto is stronger.

He has to be.

You run through the halls, calling out for help, tears streaming down your face as you desperately scream out. 

You hear the sound of crying; it sounds like a little girl. What if she needs help?

You turn the corner, searching for anyone to help you or that needs it.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" You say, "I'm coming to help!"

You stop. It's not a little girl.

It's Hitoka.


Hey guys! First time writing a fight scene, so hope you liked it. Also, please enjoy dangling off of that cliffhanger until the next chapter. ;D

Unfortunately, we are nearing the end of the story. I estimate there will probably be about 40-45 chapters in total, depending on how long I drag it out. 

So! I'm going to do a Q&A just because, so leave your questions here! Ask me anything, about me, a character, or whatever! 

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy! Merry Christmas!

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن