11 | Playing Pretend

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"For this plan to work, we must convince everyone that we're in love," You whisper to your fiance.

He nods. "We must."

You awkwardly play with your hands. You've always been good at pretending, but is Shoto? Your plan has to work, but it only will if he can cooperate. 

"I assume you've never had a girlfriend? Or any lover of some sort?" You ask him, the small lamp lighting up his desk and both of your faces. 

"I have not," he tells you, looking away.

"Well then," you say, "just treat me as if we are already married."

You smile at him, hoping he can see you in the dim light. "We have one month until our wedding. If this doesn't work, then we're trapped in a marriage neither of us wants, and both of our fathers are still in power."

"For the kingdom," you say to him as a sort of pep talk.

"For us," he replies, "we're doing this for us."

You pause, then nod. "I'd better leave. Wouldn't want anyone to catch us," you nervously laugh. 

"Bye, then," he whispers, sending you off with a small wave.

You wave back and leave, quietly shutting his door behind you. You hurry back through the dark quiet halls and to your room, narrowly avoiding Takahashi.

You slide into the large bed, making you feel small. The whole room is much larger than yours at home. 


You miss the silver-gold colors, now replaced by the dark reds and blacks of the Todorokis' palace. Your old room, right next to Hiro's, who you visited when you had nightmares. The guards meaningless chatter, unlike here, where the guards barely even look at each other.

Even if your father is not a good man, his people are happy. His staff. That's the difference between King Mizuki and King Todoroki. 

King Mizuki can lie. He can make his subjects feel privileged, when in reality, they are far from it. King Todoroki's subjects actually see his tyranny, but he still has power over them, so they can't do anything.

There are many differences between the two men, but they are still both one thing: tyrants.

Two men who can get whatever they want, whenever. Two men who can arrange a marriage between their children and not care about their feelings.

And as much as you hate to admit, you miss him. You don't miss King Mizuki, you miss the man you called Father.

The man who taught you everything you know. The man who bandaged you himself rather than the palace staff when you got hurt. The man who comforted you and Hiro when you both had nightmares.

You miss your father, as fake as he may be. 

With memories of the past haunting you, and worries about the future, it's a miracle you manage to fall asleep.

"Wake up princess! We have a big day today!"

You groan and sit up at the voice of one of your maids. "Big day?"

She nods. "Yes! His Highness has a small trip planned!"

You get ready, sort of excited for a change in schedule, and go to Shoto's room to ask him about this 'small trip', Takahashi behind you.

"Ah! Shoto!" You meet him in the hallway, "I was just about to head to your room."

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now