43.5 | Relatives

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"Thank you," Takahashi tells the driver of the carriage, waving him goodbye as he rides away.

"Kizuato," he says to himself, turning to the village where Hitoka's relatives reside. It's the second largest, or rather the largest, now that Moyasu has burned down. 

He clutches the paper in his hand, still wondering how he's supposed to find this person. The only thing he knows is that he's Hitoka's brother. 

Hitoshi Shinso.

Hitoshi and Hitoka. Sounds like siblings, alright.

On the paper is his name and a brief physical description. Purple hair, dark eyes, medium build. 

Its the early afternoon, so a bunch of people are still out and about. But still, how is he supposed to find someone in the now largest village in the kingdom?

Maybe he should just call out his name?

Stupid, but it's the only plan he's got.

"Shinso!" He shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth, "Hitoshi Shinso!"

Of course there's no reply. This guy could be anywhere. 

Takahashi's dressed as a villager to blend in and to try not to draw attention. He misses the familiarity of the uniform he always wears. 


"Mister, are you okay?" An older lady walks up to Takahashi and taps on his shoulder.

"Oh, yes ma'am," he says, "I'm looking for . . . a relative. Yes. It's very urgent, but I'm not sure where he could be."

"Oh, deary," she smiles, "go ask the blacksmith. He knows everyone here."

The lady gives him directions and he heads off in search of the blacksmith. He calls out Shinso's name occasionally, but still no answer. He's not surprised.

Takahashi sees the blacksmith shop up ahead and jogs up to it. There's a man inside sharpening a weapon of some kind, wearing a metal mask to protect him from the sparks flying. 

"HEY MISTER!" Takahashi says, to no avail. His voice is overpowered by the sound of the saw in the background. For whatever reason there is  a saw. 

The man scrapes the weapon on an anvil sharpening it and then hitting it with a giant hammer, making sparks fly. 

It makes Takahashi feel stupid, which is weird. He feels like there's a string pulling him towards the shop. A string that wants him to . . . cry?

"I don't need you."

The words hit him like a hurricane, echoing in his mind. But they're not his words. 

He shakes his head, bringing himself back into the real world. Whatever just happened, he's not going to let it stop him from helping the princess and the freckled boy from the advisory.

That reminds him; he has to find that guy's relatives next. Apparently his parents live in Kizuato, too, so maybe this blacksmith guy could help out.

He hears those words again, interrupting his thoughts, but softer this time. 

"H--" he stutters, as if against his will, "Hitoshi?"

It might've been fate or pure coincidence, but right at that moment the blacksmith sneezed, pausing his job and turning to look at the strange man at his counter.

"How do you know my name?" The blacksmith says, taking off his helmet to reveal a mess of lavender colored hair.

Takahashi isn't sure what to say; he knows his sister? Does this guy even know that his sister is considered a traitor by the kingdom? 

Ethereal ◆ Shoto Todoroki x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang