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Part 2: Chapter 32 


You groan, wiping your mouth. Shoto brings you a towel, fluttering around you like a nervous puppy. Your hands feel heavy, and you're barely able to lift them to take it from your husband.

"Don't worry about me," you tell him, waving a hand in dismissal, "it's actually the pregnancy this time."

Yesterday, the Bakugo Kingdom, the Yaoyorozu Kingdom, the Iida Kingdom, the Mizuki Kingdom, and the Todoroki Kingdom signed a document declaring that the kingdoms are no longer divided in rule. Now, the sectors, as they're being called, rule together and decide the people's fate. It prevents tyranny or war between the kingdoms.

That's all well and good, except now you're really starting to get nauseous more often. It sucks. Thankfully, all of the guests left after signing the compromise.

"Can we have breakfast?" You mutter, standing up. Shoto furrows his brows as he watches you stumble. It's getting hard to walk. Is that normal?

"Yes, yes!" He says quickly, taking your hand, "let's go."

He leads you to the dinner table a few halls down, pulling out a chair for you.

"What do you want to eat?" Your husband asks, calling for the chefs, "Pancakes? Waffles? French toast? Normal toast?—"

"Shoto," you giggle, "just what I normally have. I'm not dying, I'm just pregnant."


When you're done eating, you look up at Shoto, who's just sitting there.

Tilting your head, you sigh. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Oh," he blinks, "I forgot."

"C-Can I . . ." You mutter shyly, "Can I have some more? I'm eating for three here."

Shoto's lips curl up in a smile as he nods. "Of course."

As you eat . . . again . . . you finally mention something that's been bothering you for a while.

"What do we do about the Duke?"

Shoto seems surprised at your question, as if he'd forgotten. "What should we do?"

"Execution?" You suggest.

You're both quiet. 

"I guess so," your husband replies, slurping his cold-soba breakfast.

"Can we interrogate him first?" You blurt without thinking, "Like, what if he knows where the leader of the league is? I bet he's got lots of information. Who knows where he's been all this time."

"That's actually a good idea," he says, glancing at you. You absentmindedly stare at his soba.

"Here," he grins, giving you some.

"Mmmm," you hum, "I realize why you like it so much."


"Oh my gosh! You won't believe it, Your Majesty!"

Dr. Aiya, who you haven't seen in a few months, squeals, jumping up and down. You place a hand on her shoulder.

"Doc, what's happened?" You laugh. "I didn't think you'd be this happy to see me again."

The frantic doctor talks faster than you've ever heard her. "Thebabiesaregrowingfasteryourquirkis—"

She pauses, her eyes widening. "Oh no."

"What is it?" You ask.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," Dr. Aiya wails, "Your Majesty, have you been feeling extra tired lately? Droopy? Unmotivated?"

"Uh, well, I guess, but I've just blamed it on the pregnancy," you admit, "why? Is something wrong?"

"Your Majesty! Oh, my goodness!"

"Dr. Aiya, calm down!" You say, starting to get frightened, "what's wrong? Talk to me."

"Your quirk!" She explains, waving her hands like a crazy person, "Your children have your quirk, but since they're babies, since they're still developing, I fear they may steal your energy! Either that, or you're giving them yours!"

"Wh—" You stutter, "What does that mean?"

"Your Majesty,"—Dr. Aiya grabs your shoulders, looking you in the eyes—"this means, that, by the time your twins are born, either they'll die . . . or you'll die."


"You've never been pregnant before, so you're body is unfamiliar with the children inside of you. Your twins are incapable of controlling their quirk, which means two things. Your body will either reject them, draining their energy, or their quirks will go haywire, draining yours. Since there's two of them, this is completely possible," The quirk therapist explains to you, "one child's quirk wouldn't be enough to kill you, but there are two. This will definitely end fatally."

Your hands are shaking as you try to process the information. "So my babies are gonna die?"

"Them or you."

"I-I think I need to sit down."

Dr. Aiya helps you take a seat, and she pats your back. She suddenly stands up, her eyes even wider than before, if that's possible.


"Dr. Aiya?" You mutter, turning her towards you, "you've thought of a solution, you mean?"

"Yes, yes!" She mutters to herself, "All you need is a sacrifice!"

You blink. "What?"

"The children must be born as soon as possible before you kill each other," she explains to you, toning down the crazy, "in order for that to happen, you'll all need as much energy as possible for your bodies to sustain birth."

"What does that have to do with a sacrifice?"

"Listen to me, Your Majesty," Dr. Aiya says, serious, "If you don't want your or your children to die, then you have to drain someone's energy."

"Why . . . can't it be an animal's?" You stutter, "Or some plant?"

"No, in order for this to work, you need a human. You're a human, so you'll need the closest match of energy to your own."

You're quiet, fighting back tears. As you lift your hand to wipe them off of your face, your hand is heavy and numb. Your children are killing you. And without you, they won't be able to survive at this stage of development.

"I'll save them," you declare, "I'll drain a human."

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