32 | Denial

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"Please. Please, no," Hitoka sobs, "Not again. Not again!"

"I'm sorry," you say, looking away from the mess of a girl being dragged away, "but until we have proof otherwise, you're the one who has to take the blame."

Just deny it. Deny it, Hitoka, and I have leverage to let you go. I just need a small hint that you didn't do it.

"Please!" She cries, struggling fruitlessly against the guards. Her face is streaked with tears, and your heart wrenches at the sound of her sobs.

The quiet stone-faced Hitoka you once knew is a shriveled cast of her former self. 

Takahashi stands by your side, looking down at the ground.

You didn't want to, and you knew it would hurt him, but he's the only guard you can trust. Hitoka has been through a lot because of other guards; maybe she'll feel a little better if Takahashi's close by.

He will take over dungeon duty, while you and Shoto try to prove Hitoka's innocence. 

If there's innocence to prove.

She didn't deny it.

"Who brought her the tea?"

You pace the room, Shoto sitting on your bed. You've noticed he's grown more comfortable in your room, although you've never been in his.

"I suppose one of the maids," Shoto says, "Mayra is the head maid, so would be tasked with taking care of Hitoka's arm."

"We should talk to her," you head towards the door.

"Yes, princess," Shoto says, standing up, "but please be careful. Your headaches. . ."

You turn to him and smile. "It's fine," you reassure him, "I have you with me."

"I still worry."

"Let's go find her," you say as you open the door to your room.

You walk down the hall, the persistent prince trailing behind you.

"Please hear me out," Shoto says gently, "I'm almost completely positive it was her."

"Wait, what?" You stop and turn to him. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry for not mentioning it until now," he says, "but when I found you passed out in the hallway, I. . ."

". . .I saw Hitoka. She was laughing. Her door was cracked open and she was laughing at you."

"Shoto, you were probably hearing things."

"No," he whispers, "I wasn't. She didn't even help you."

That's why he was so mad.

"I'm sure there's an explanation," you say, desperately hoping there is, "still, it doesn't mean she poisoned me."

Shoto grabs you by the shoulders, just hard enough to get your attention, turning you to face him. You're eye to eye with the prince, and he looks desperate.

"Please," he whispers, and you can feel his breath on your face, "Who do you trust more, me or Hitoka?"

You hug him. "You. Always you."

"Sorry for dismissing your ideas," you apologize, pulling away, "I'm not really used to having a partner."

"Well," Shoto says, "you're stuck with me. You're not alone anymore, whether you like it or not."

He smiles, and the truth hits you like an arrow to the heart.

"Yeah. I'm not alone."

"Mayra," you smile, "How's your day been?"

"Absolutely splendid, your Highnesses," she bows, "what do you need on such a fine evening?"

The head maid is dressed in her normal outfit, but something seems off. You don't know her very well, but she seems different than yesterday. Like there's something she's trying to hide.

It gives you the chills. 

Shoto sets a hand on your shoulder, probably sensing your uneasiness from behind you. 

You're not alone.

"Who brings Hitoka her food?" You ask her, wary of her body language and expressions.

"Oh," she beams, "I do."

"Do you recall bringing her tea yesterday evening?" You inquire. 

"No, actually," her face softens, "I managed to coax the sweet girl out of her hiding spot and she came with me to the kitchen. I wasn't aware she took tea, although it would've been fine if she'd just asked."

"Are you aware she's been imprisoned?" 

"Oh, dear, the poor girl. Yes, I heard earlier. I really hope you get to feeling better, princess."

You smile. "Thank you. Well, I suppose that is all. Have a great rest of your day, Mayra."

"You as well, your Highnesses."

You saunter away with Shoto by your side, and then, when you're out of sight of the maid, you turn the corner and snap to Shoto:

"Arrest her immediately."

". . .I hope you get to feeling better. . ."

"Why?" he asks.

"I never told her I was poisoned."

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