46 | Memories

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You slip on one of your more formal dresses, wanting to be comfortable for tonight. 

It's going to be the first dinner since the king came back to his senses, and he insisted that you all eat together. Saying you're nervous would be an understatement. 

He hasn't been as boisterous as he was before he was poisoned. In fact, you've rarely talked to him at all. 

He did ask some doctors to study the poison used on him, and you suspect it was harder on him than anyone else. 

You wonder how Shoto feels about it. Would it be weird to ask? 

You want to walk with him again. You want to be near him. 


"Yes, princess?" He smiles.

"Could you tell Shoto I would like to walk with him to dinner tonight?" You ask.

"Of course Your Highness."

And so he's off, probably giggling to himself at your request.

Ugh, that was embarrassing. You should've just walked to his room. 

A few minutes later, and Takahashi's back. "He'll be here five minutes before dinner."

Your face lights up. "Perfect."

Instead of leaving like you thought he would, Takahashi opens the door wider, taking a step in. 

"Princess," he coos, "do you love him?"

At first you're confused at why your guard would ask you that of all questions, but then you answer.

"Yes," you say, smiling, "Yes, I think I do. As unexpected as it may be."

Takahashi tilts his head. "Unexpected?"

Sometimes you forget no one knows that it was an arranged marriage, but you trust Takahashi. "You can't tell anyone this, but it . . . this was an arranged marriage. I didn't really come here by choice."

Takahashi's face falls. "Oh, princess, I'm sorry."

"For what?" You ask.

"I had no idea," he admits, "I thought you two had already confessed your undying love for each other, so I didn't hesitate to tease you. You must've been uncomfortable, now that I think about it."

"Well," you smile, "more surprised than uncomfortable, honestly."

"I'm glad, and again, sorry."

He bows before leaving, and you look in the mirror, thinking about the first time you came to this kingdom.

Takahashi was the first staff member to greet you, even taking your bags to your room. You remember how huge the space felt, and how awkward you felt around Shoto. 

You smile upon the memory. How embarrassing you once were.

The first time you were alone with the prince,  you burst into tears. That probably confused him so much. 

You remember how conflicted you were about your father's motives; you're still not sure exactly what he wanted or planned, but honestly, you could care less. He doesn't deserve your time.

And the ways you secretly rebelled; tearing a page out of a book carelessly, only speaking to Takahashi and none of the other staff, calling Shoto's father King Endeavor instead of his given name.

You were reckless, indeed.

A knock on your bedroom door startles you, pulling you from your walk through your memories. 

You stand up, realizing it's probably Shoto. You straighten your gown, smiling, then take a deep breath and open the door.

"Hello," Shoto says quietly, holding out a hand for you. 

"Hello," you say, taking it. 

Even though you were kissing no more than an hour ago, you feel awkward. Maybe because you're going to see his father. You wonder what the king makes of your relationship.

His hand is cold. It's his left hand, so you're not surprised, but you wonder.

"Does your quirk affect your body temperature?" You ask your fiancé.

"Well," he starts, "sometimes. When I'm nervous or angry. My emotions reflect my quirk more than anything else."

You note how his hand got colder when you looked at him.

"So . . . " you smirk, hoping to make him blush, "are you nervous around me?"

"Not more nervous than happy," he replies, giving you a warm smile that shoots an arrow through your heart. Now you're the one blushing.

"I-I'm glad," you stutter, turning away.

Takahashi giggles from behind you two. You forgot he was there, honestly.

You ignore him and straighten your posture, glancing at Shoto.

He's as handsome as ever, his multi-colored hair adding a hint of mystery to his appearance. You love his eyes, as well. 

You remember when you first saw him. You'd never imagined you'd be here.

His scar was confusing when you first met him. It looked painful, more than anything, more reason to feel bad for him.

But now?

Now you think it's beautiful. It's a pillar of his strength and proof he survived. It's all the more reason to respect him.

To love him for who he is.

It's not disgusting, as you've heard some say. It's a part of him.

"Your Highnesses," Takahashi coos, holding the dining hall door open, "dinner awaits."


First of all, I would like to thank YOU. Yes, you, the reader. We've hit 40k READS AND 2k VOTES.

That's wild. Thank you.

Second of all, Ethereal is being translated to Spanish! 

Special thanks to @whatabadass for the opportunity and translating it for me. Love you, and I'm glad you like Ethereal enough to take the time to do this. Seriously. 😌❤


Like seriously guys look at this I'm not even paying her or anything-

Like seriously guys look at this I'm not even paying her or anything-

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