Spread the News

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Part 2: Chapter 13

Spread the News

"You're pregnant?" 

"Yep, I'm 9 weeks in!" You giggle, patting Kyuen's head.

Hiro smiles, sadness in his eyes. "I'm going to be an uncle."

You told your brother first, who had been visiting because of the coronation. He was getting ready to go back home, but when you got the news, you rushed to tell him.

"You have to stay for the party," you tell him, "we're going to celebrate and tell the whole kingdom!"

"Absolutely," Hiro smiles, but then pauses, "I just can't believe it."

You hug your brother, knowing where this is going. He hugs you back.

"I'll never get to see it," he whispers, "your child. I'll never get to see so many things."

You hold him close, not sure what to say, because he's right.

"Listen," you tell him, "I don't want to sound like our father, but maybe . . . you need a partner. This might sound weird, rude even, but you're blind, and you've been through so much."

"I guess you're right," Hiro sighs, "royals don't marry for love, anyways. Sometimes, I just wish I was normal."

"Don't say that. You're you, and father's gone now, so you can marry whomever you want."

"Yeah, I guess."

It's silent, and you're not sure what to do. What to say. All you know is that you want to make your brother happy.

"I guess I should look for a suitor," Hiro says, puffing out his chest, "this might not be so bad. I just need to meet people."

You smile, although he can't see it. "Please don't do anything you don't want to. I probably sound a lot like our father, but—"

"No, stop saying that," Hiro interrupts, "I know you're right. I need to move on. I need to pull myself together and think of the kingdom."

Move on? From what? You wonder, but you don't ask. 

"As much as we both hate it, we have responsibilities," you sigh, "I just happen to have someone by my side to help carry them."

"I have Kyuen, but unfortunately she can't lead a kingdom."

You laugh, patting the white dog's head. She stays obediently by her owner's side. 

"I'd better spread the news," you say, hugging him once more, "stay safe. See you later!"

"Bye," Hiro smiles.

"You're pregnant?"  Your ladies-in-waiting squeal, clasping their hands together and bouncing up and down. 

You've only known them for two months, but they're already like family. You even call them by their first names. You have four: 

The eldest, Himari, with hair like the sunset. Her quirk allows her to calm anyone with just a touch.

Mayu, who's petite figure contrasts to her sharp personality, has striking blonde hair. Her quirk gives her the ability to make herself invisible.

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