Not Again

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Part 2: Chapter 18 ◆

Not Again

2 months later

Momo clasps her hands around yours, smiling. "I can't believe you're pregnant!"

You look down at your tummy, which is getting bigger each month. Shoto has committed himself to staying by your side at all times. Even now, his hand feels empty without yours.

"I know!" You giggle. "The doctors are supposed to tell us the gender in an hour."

"Awesome!" Momo says, "what are you hoping for?"

You shrug. "As long as it's healthy."

"My Love," Todoroki mutters, "cake."

You laugh. "Okay, Sho, we'll go get some cake."

You give him a peck on the cheek. "Actually, first, I have a question."


"It's crazy I've never asked, but . . . when's your birthday?"

"January 11th, Love," Shoto smiles. 

"What year?"

Your husband blinks. " . . . every year?"

You sigh. "Let's just go get some food."

You've been eating non-stop now, and throwing up in the mornings. You can't even imagine what labor will be like.

You look at Shizukana, who seems eager to eat too.

You still wish you'd gotten to talk with Takahashi more before he left, but you think it just made him more sad to stay. Even such a short time as three weeks, and he seemed restless and out of place. 

But now, it's the gender reveal party, and you invited all of the kingdoms allies. 

Including the Bakugo Kingdom, whose prince hasn't moved away from the desserts table the whole time. Rather than eating cake, though, he's by the vegetables. 

With Hiro, who is munching on a carrot with some ranch.

You walk over, Shoto eager for food. Hiro and Bakugo's conversation makes you sigh.

"Dumbass," Katsuki snarls, "it's not that important. You could still beat his ass."

"Insulting me and complimenting me in the same sentence?" Hiro shakes his head. "Wouldn't that cancel it out?"

"It wasn't a compliment, it's the truth!"

"I'm blind, Katsuki," Hiro squints his eyes, "I'm not going to win any fights anymore."

"But he's a weak ass wannabe. He doesn't even have a quirk."

"He's still a gaurd, which says something about his combat skills," your brother argues, "why do you care, anyways? He was just some random dude, and he didn't even say it to my face. I happened to overhear him."

"Send the bastard to the guillotine!" Katsuki growls, "You're the king!"

"I'm also not a psychopath like you." Hiro says. "He was just trying to make himself feel better by putting me down."

Before Prince Katsuki can argue any further, you clear your throat. "Hiro?"

"Oh, hey," Hiro smiles, "I didn't see you there."

"Takahashi sure rubbed off on you," you sigh, thinking of the way they both make jokes about their disabilities, "I guess you're going to run off and be a pirate, too, huh?"

"Ah, I wish," Hiro sighs, "I don't have any free time anymore."

"cake," Shoto mutters. You roll your eyes, inching over to the desserts section of the table. Shizukana follows you awkwardly, asking with his eyes if he can have some too.

"Go ahead." You wave your hand, and they both thank you.

Hiro taps you on the shoulder. "When are they going to tell us the gender?"

"Pretty soon, I think," you answer, "but gosh, it still feels unreal."

"Yep," your brother grins, "I'm going to be an uncle!"

"Oi, don't go acting all happy with ranch all over your face," Katsuki mutters, handing him a napkin. 

"Ah, thanks."

Someone taps you on the shoulder, and you turn to see Tenya with a smile on his face. 

"Your Majesty," he greets you, "congratulations."

Before you get to say anything though, a boom reverberates through the kingdom. You freeze, along with all the other royals in the room. You can tell that everyone is thinking the same thing:

Not again.

The guards all tense up, and Shizukana rushes to your side, Shoto not far behind him. You can see Katsuki help Hiro find his way to his personal guard, who's hand is on the handle of his sword.

Everyone is thinking of the incident; you can tell by the looks on their faces.

Momo's worried look as she hurries over to her parents.

Tenya, rounding up his guards.

Katsuki looking like an angry chihuahua ready to attack.

Hiro, clutching Kyuen and standing by his personal guard.

A guard opens the door, waving his arms. "False alarm, Your Graces," he assures the crowd, "it was just a storm on it's way—"

His voice stops cold when the lights flicker out, shrouding the room in complete darkness. 

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