5 | Nightmare

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Power flowed through you, filling your veins and taking over your mind. 

It was addicting, and you couldn't stop, not even when you heard the screaming.

At first it was just the flower, then the grass died. The whole field, gray and lifeless, sucked of all it's energy.

Your power flowed through the ground, sucking the energy from anyone standing on it. 

A whole town's energy at your fingertips. 

Your quirk grew more powerful with each second, spreading and reaching everyone around you.

Half the small town, dead. Before anyone knew what was happening.

You were crying. Only ten at the time, you hadn't fully grasped the weight of what you did.

Hiro grabbed you, separating you from the endless supply of power beneath you, and stopping the massacre. It was a wonder none of the royal family died. 

It was supposed to be a test run, just to see what your quirk could do. 

But instead, it became a nightmare.

You quickly sit up, the headache hitting you like a typhoon.

You dismiss the nightmare you just had.

Hiro is sitting beside your bed, and you swear you see a tear fall down his cheek.


He looks at you, and his face immediately erupts. "She's awake!"

His eyes are red. He was crying.

"Don't worry. You didn't hurt anyone," Hiro whispers, "You just passed out."

You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. No one got hurt. 

You embrace Hiro.

Your father comes in the room, smiling like always.

"I knew she would wake up!" he says, "You worry too much, Hiro."

Hiro glares at him, and Father only smiles wider.

He claps his hands. "Up, up darling! The party isn't over!"

"What?" You say. You remember everything, but surely Father wouldn't continue the party.

"You haven't met your husband yet!" Your father tells you, "And he's outside waiting!"

"Who is it?" You ask Hiro.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Your father says, "Don't tell her! This should be interesting."

He leaves the room, Hiro glaring at him the whole time.

"What's wrong with him, Hiro?" you ask, "He hasn't acted this strange since Mother died."

Hiro sighs, and shakes his head. 

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